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机构臃肿,人浮于事是社会的一大灾难。对于精简行政机构的问题,我党早在1942年延安革命根据地就采纳了民主人士李鼎铭先生的意见,“精兵简政”。建国之后,对行政机构,几乎是年年小精简;三、五年一次大精简,结果是越精简越膨胀。1989年底,全国地方各级机关共超编40多万人,1990年上升为50万人。近几年,全国干部队伍以每年100万人的速度增长。1990年总数已达3140万人,行政管理开支的经费达1225亿元,占国家财政支出的36%。1990年,全国县级(包括县级市)行政机关总人数为194万人,超编23万人,1991年全国2181个县中有1091个县发生财政赤字。行政机构的膨胀,带动了管理机构的增长。一些政府部门,以上下对口为名,干预企业内部机构设置。许多地方,企业机构已增长1/3,非生产人口已达职工的20%以上。建国40余年的历史表明:我国的行政机构已呈现精简——膨胀——精简——再膨 Institutions bloated, people floating in the matter is a major disaster in society. As for the streamlining of administrative structures, our party adopted the opinion of democrat Li Dingming as early as 1942 in the Yan’an revolutionary base area. After the founding of the People’s Republic, the administrative agencies were streamlined almost every year; in three or five years they were streamlined and the result was a leaner and more expansive one. At the end of 1989, more than 400,000 people were supervised by local authorities at all levels and 500,000 people in 1990. In recent years, the number of cadres throughout the country has grown at the rate of 1 million annually. In 1990, the total number reached 31.4 million and the expenditures for administration and administration amounted to 122.5 billion yuan, accounting for 36% of the national financial expenditure. In 1990, the total number of administrative agencies at the county level (including county-level cities) was 1.94 million, exceeding 230,000. In 1991, 1091 of the 2,181 counties in China suffered from fiscal deficits. The expansion of the administrative agencies has led to the growth of the regulatory agencies. Some government departments, in the name of the upper and lower counterparts, interfere with the internal organization of enterprises. In many places, the number of enterprises and institutions has increased by one third and the non-productive population has reached over 20% of the workers. The history of more than 40 years since the founding of New China shows that the administrative structure of our country has been streamlined - expansion - streamlining - re-expansion
With the ever-deepening reform of Chinese national administrative approval system,standardization plays a crucial role in promoting the governmental functions a