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在面临着卫生防疫事业经费不足,基层卫生组织不健全,以及监督执法队伍不稳定,人员老龄化、素质差等诸多因素的困扰下,红河哈尼族彝族自治州卫生防疫站积极依靠各级政府、上级主管部门的大力支持,以充分体现社会主义卫生防疫事业公益性、福利性的特性,发动全社会和全体群众共同参与,这正是他们能在工作条件简陋,经费紧缺条件下得以生存发展的内在精神动力之所在。 近几年,随着形势发展的需要, The health and epidemic prevention stations of the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture have actively relied on all levels of government and superiors in the face of lack of funds for health and epidemic prevention, inadequate primary health organizations, unstable supervision of law enforcement teams, aging of personnel, poor quality, and other factors. The strong support of the competent authorities, in order to fully reflect the public welfare and welfare characteristics of the socialist public health and epidemic prevention project, mobilize the whole society and all the people to participate together. This is exactly what they can survive and develop under conditions of scarce working conditions and scarce funding. Where spiritual energy lies. In recent years, with the needs of the development of the situation,
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油菜花开的时节,我们沐浴着如丝春雨,来到遂宁市城区以外两公里的川中油气公司职工医院采访。 时针接近上午11点。一名50开外、身材健壮的汉子微笑着向我们走来。他,就是全
The a-Si∶H films with different thickness smaller than 1 μm were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) under the optimum deposition c
建立灵活的应对战略 通常,在一项谈判开始之前,人们会做出一系列计划。但计划往往只是谈判前单方的主观设想或各方简单磋商的产物,不可能把影响谈判过程的各种随机因素都包
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