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现代最重要的农业技术创新——滴灌是以色列的西姆查·布斯和他的儿子发明的。父亲想出了滴灌的主意,儿子研究成功了滴灌装置。滴灌与其他的灌溉方式相比,有许多优点: 滴灌是最有效的农业节水灌溉方式。由于沿着灌装置把水直接射到根系附近的土壤,因此根能立即吸收水分,? The most important agricultural technological innovation in modern times - drip irrigation was invented by Simche Booth in Israel and his son. My father came up with the idea of ​​drip irrigation and his son studied drip irrigation. Drip irrigation has many advantages over other irrigation methods: drip irrigation is the most effective agricultural water-saving irrigation method. Because the water is directly impinged on the soil near the roots along the irrigation device, the roots can immediately absorb moisture.
This paper presents an experimental investigation on incipient motion of non-cohesive uniform sediment under a steady-uniform stream flow on generalized sloping
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本文对深圳图书馆文献资源建设的发展策略进行了探讨。 This article discusses the development strategy of document resources construction in Shenzhen Library.
本文以读者为对象,分析了读者的阅读心理,用现代的服务理念、服务技术和服务手段为需求各种信息的读者服务。 In this paper, the reader as the object, analysis of the r
More than three dozen significant formulae for bed-load transport have been developed over a period of more than 100 years with varying degrees of success. Majo