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新时期以来,我国与外国的出版文化交流日益频繁。今年5月13日,韩国首尔举行第十三届国际出版学术会议期间,中国编辑学会名誉会长、本刊顾问刘杲先生荣获韩国第三届“南涯安春根出版文化奖”。安春根教授是韩国出版学创始人,1969年倡导创立韩国出版学会,并任会长。他著有《出版概论》《出版社会学》《韩国出版文化论》《韩国出版文化史大纲》和《杂志出版论》(中译本1993年东方出版社出版)等。1993年安春根逝世后,为纪念这位出版学者,设立了“南涯安春根出版文化奖”。该项奖共颁发了三届,授予三位国际知名出版学者,第一、二届分别授予日本出版学会原会长清水英夫和日本出版学者箕轮成男。现将授予刘杲先生奖牌上的颁奖词和刘杲在授奖大会上的答谢词,一并在本刊发表。答谢词的题目是编者加的,谨向刘杲先生祝贺并致谢。此外,刘杲先生已把所得奖金韩元500万元,兑换成人民币3.12万元,作为善款全部捐给了中国红十字基金会,用于四川地震灾区抗震救灾。 Since the new era, the publishing and cultural exchanges between our country and foreign countries have become more frequent. May 13 this year, Seoul, South Korea held the thirteenth International Conference on Academic Publication, Honorary President of China Editorial Association, the magazine consultant Mr. Liu Yong won the third South Korea “South Ann Anchun root publishing culture award.” An Chuangen professor is the founder of Korean publishing science, 1969 advocated the establishment of Korea Publishing Association, and served as president. He is the author of “Introduction to Publishing”, “Publishing Society”, “Korean Publishing Culture”, “Outline of Korean Cultural History” and “Magazine Publishing Theory” (Chinese translation 1993 Oriental Publishing House). After the death of An Chungen in 1993, in order to commemorate the publishing scholar, set up the “South Ann Anchun root publishing culture award.” The award was awarded three times, awarded to three internationally renowned publishing scholars, the first and second were awarded the former President of Japan Publishing Association Shimizu Hideo and Japanese publishing scholar Minamune into men. The award letter on the medal of Mr. Liu Yong and the thank-you speech at the awarding ceremony will now be published in the journal. The title of the word of thanks is added by the editor. Congratulations and thanks to Mr. Liu. In addition, Mr. Liu Yong has won the bonus of 500 million won, converted into RMB 3.12 million, donated to the China Red Cross Foundation as a donation for earthquake relief in Sichuan.
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