
来源 :中国输血杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong536
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为庆贺《中国输血杂志》创刊25周年(1988-2013年),由本刊编辑部精心策划、本刊第六届编委会22名编委或顾问联袂奉献的《〈中国输血杂志〉创刊25周年纪念专辑》(本刊第26卷增刊)于日前正式出版发行。全辑共收录27篇专文,分别以编委各自所在专业研究领域的现状与发展,所正在从事和取得的科研或管理工作成果,以及对杂志与其专业、行业关系的认识和对杂志今后进步的期望与寄托等为视角,“全景式”地展示了输血学科、输血行业应有的面貌与本刊在学科建设、行业发展中应踞的地位。一辑在手,既可对输血医学及本刊有个清晰的了解,又颇具 To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the “Chinese transfusion magazine” (1988-2013), edited by the editorial department of this magazine carefully, the editorial board of the sixth editorial board of 22 editorial members or consultants dedication Anniversary Album “(26th issue Supplement) formally published in a few days ago. The whole series contains a total of 27 monographs, respectively, in the respective editorial board of the professional field of research status and development, is engaged in and obtained the achievements of scientific research or management, as well as magazines and their professional, industry relations and the magazine’s future progress Expectations and sustenance as the perspective, ”panoramic " to display the blood transfusion subjects, blood transfusion should be the face of the academic and journal in discipline construction, industry development should occupy the position. A series in hand, both transfusion medicine and the journal have a clear understanding, but also quite
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神经干细胞 (neuralstemcell,NSC)的发现和分离成功 ,脑组织具有自我修复的潜能 ,这对“神经组织损伤不能再生”的传统观念提出了挑战。NSC就是神经系统自我修复的细胞学基础
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目的 比较方根式、一维式和面积周长比 3种方法计算的电子束矩形照射野输出因子的精确性和可行性。方法 用电离室法对不同大小限光筒不同能量下 8个特定矩形照射野输出因子