Industrial practice of clad-rolling in heavy steel plate production

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen721050780
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In this paper,a brief introduction on clad-rolling heavy steel plates of 90 mm and 140 mm thick is presented.The steel plates were hot rolled by 265mm slabs that are cladded by double 135mm continuous casting slabs of Q235 steel.After hot rolling,interface of the cladding slabs completely disappeared, revealing uniform grains similar to the rest of the materials.Ultrasonic tests were carried out on both steel plates,demonstrating excellent results.Through thickness tensile tests were also implemented on both steel plates,resulting in perfect mechanical properties complying with specific standards.The result proves that a minimum reduction rate of 1.89 is available in producing 140 mm thick steel plate with excellent through thickness properties. In this paper, a brief introduction on clad-rolling heavy steel plates of 90 mm and 140 mm thick is presented. The steel plates were hot rolled by 265mm slabs that are cladded by double 135mm continuous casting slabs of Q235 steel. After hot rolling, interface of the cladding slabs completely disappeared, revealing uniform tiny similar to the rest of the materials.Ultrasonic tests were carried out on both steel plates, revealing excellent results.Through thickness tensile tests were also implemented on both steel plates, resulting in perfect mechanical properties complying with specific standards. The result proves that a minimum reduction rate of 1.89 is available in producing 140 mm thick steel plate with excellent through thickness properties.
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