
来源 :中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kittyranger
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IPCC的1990年“评估报告”指出,人类活动产生的各种排放正在使大气中温室气体浓度显著增加;在人类活动排放大气层中的全部CO2中,燃烧矿物燃料占70%~90%,其余10%~30%则是人类对地球生态系统的利用所致。气候变化正不断吞噬人类生存空间,威胁人类的生存与发展,引发了国际关系的变动和国际秩序的革新。20世纪90年代后,以《联合国气候变化框架公约》为标志,国际法领域逐渐形成国际气候变化法这一新兴的国际法律部门,这是晚近国际法发展的一大突破。国际气候变化法的生成是内外因素共同作用的结果,气候变化科学认知、国际气候政治共识、国际气候合作和国际气候合作关系分别构成国际气候变化法生成的科学、政治、现实和法理基础,国际组织的推动和国内相关立法的影响构成国际气候变化法生成的重要外部因素。 The IPCC’s 1990 Assessment Report noted that emissions from human activities are contributing significantly to the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and that 70% to 90% of all CO2 in the atmosphere from anthropogenic emissions is fossil fuels, The remaining 10% to 30% is the human use of the Earth’s ecosystems. Climate change is constantly engulfing the living space of mankind and threatening the survival and development of mankind. It has triggered changes in international relations and the reform of the international order. After the 1990s, marked by the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,” the emerging international law department in the field of international law, which is the emerging international legal climate change law, is a major breakthrough in recent developments in international law. The formation of international climate change law is the result of the interaction of internal and external factors. Scientific understanding of climate change, political understanding of international climate, international climate cooperation and international cooperation in climate constitute the scientific, political, realistic and legal basis for the formation of international climate change law respectively. The promotion of international organizations and the influence of relevant domestic legislation constitute an important external factor for the formation of an international climate change law.
经历了一番搏杀之后,中国军团再次双双奏凯。在两个金光闪闪的奖杯背后,从教练到队员都撒下了拼搏的汗水。当硝烟散去,尘埃落定之时,每名队员都别有一番滋味在心头。 郁闷双
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