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手扒肉是蒙族人日常生活中的普通食品,也是草原牧民喜歡的餐食。 手扒肉的做法是選用膘肥肉嫩的小口齒羯羊一頭,用刀在胸腹部割開約一、二寸左右的直口,伸手入內揑斷大動脈,將羊血全流聚在胸腔和腹腔內。然後去皮,切除頭蹄,除淨內臟和腔血,切除腹部軟肉,再把整頭羊劈成幾大塊。洗淨後放入開水鍋內煮,煮得不要過老,一般用刀割開,肉裡微有血絲即撈出,裝木盤上席,大家围坐在一起,用自己隨身攜帶的蒙古刀,邊割邊吃,不用任何調料。這是牧民的家常食法。旅客食時,可用芝麻醬、香油、韮菜花、辣椒油、腐乳汁、醬油、味精等調成調味料蘸食。 手扒肉最特別的是它的殺羊方法,其特點是不用刀抹羊脖殺羊,羊血除散在腔內部份外,還有少部份滲在肉裡,所以羊肉呈粉紅色,煮出來鮮嫩肥美,易於消 Hand Grilled meat is a common food in the Mongolian daily life, but also prairie herdsmen like food. The practice of hand grilled meat is the use of fat tender little mouth teeth a goat, with a knife in the chest and abdomen cut about one or two inches straight mouth, reach out and pinch the aorta, the sheep blood full flow gathered in the chest And intraperitoneal. Then peel, remove the hooves, in addition to net internal organs and blood, remove the belly soft, and then cut the whole head of sheep into several large pieces. Wash into boiling water pot after cooking, boiled do not be too old, the general cut with a knife, the blood in the micro bloodshot remove, install wood seats, we sit together with their own carry the Mongolian knife, Cutting while eating, without any spices. This is a herdsman’s home-cooked food law. Traveler food, available sesame, sesame oil, chives flowers, chili oil, fermented bean curd juice, soy sauce, MSG, seasoning sauce dip. Hand Grilled meat is the most special way to kill sheep, which is characterized by no need to knife sheep sheep neck to kill sheep, sheep blood addition to scattered in the cavity part, there is a small part of infiltration in the meat, so the lamb was pink, Boiled fresh and plump, easy to eliminate
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