Less than 6 GHz resolution THz spectroscopy of water vapor

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The application of terahertz(THz) technique in many fields like petroleum industry requires the high resolution and multifunction to realize the precise detection of different materials. In this study water vapor in atmosphere was scanned with shortand long-path THz spectrometers with different scan ranges. The full width at half maximum of the THz characteristic lines in long-path system reached less than 7 GHz and that in short achieved ~5.5 GHz, indicating that the THz spectroscopy of water vapor can be used to calibrate THz devices. THz systems with right scan ranges could be a promising selection for the identification of solid, liquid and gaseous materials with very similar structures due to the high resolution. The research demonstrates that the multifunctional THz test can be realized through the balance of resolution and sampling space in many fields, such as oil-gas industry. The application of terahertz (THz) technique in many fields like petroleum industry requires the high resolution and multifunction to realize the precise detection of different materials. In this study water vapor in atmosphere was scanned with short and long-path THz spectrometers with different scan ranges. The full width at half maximum of the THz characteristic lines in long-path system reached less than 7 GHz and that in short achieved ~ 5.5 GHz, indicating that the THz spectroscopy of water vapor can be used to calibrate THz devices. THz systems with right scan ranges could be a promising selection for the identification of solid, liquid and gaseous materials with very similar structures due to the high resolution. The research demonstrates that the multifunctional THz test can be realized through the balance of resolution and sampling space in many fields, such as oil-gas industry.
糖尿病并发缺血性脑血栓形成成为糖尿病患者致死致残的主要原因之一。现将我院收治的老年人糖尿病并发脑梗塞54例报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 男35例,女19例;年龄62
作者1998年收治误服大剂量疏甲丙脯酸1例,现报道如下。1 病例介绍患者,男,47岁,1991年患高血压,血压波动在20/15kPa,平时服用复方降压片、罗布麻控制血压,1998年2月17日上午到
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我们在临床使用大脑组织液(中国哈尔滨制药三厂生产,批号:971001)过程中,出现过敏性休克1例,现报告如下。 患者,女,52岁,因脑外伤伴全身多处挫裂伤住院。住院后对症处理抗感
目的了解我院水痘患儿临床特点。方法回顾性分析2010年8月至2011年2月在我院感染科住院的125例水痘患儿临床资料。结果 125例水痘患儿年龄分布:0~1岁27例(21.6%),~3岁25例(20.0