The indeterminable resilience of the fascial system

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zenme123
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The most recent information on fascial tissue indicates that there are not fascial layers, but polyhedral microvacuoles of connective tissue, which connect the body systems and, by hosting specialized cells, permit several functions, such as motor, nervous, vascular and visceral. These microvacuoles (a repetition of polyhedral units of connective fibrils) under intal or extal tension change shape and can manage the movement variations, regulating different body functions and ensuring the maintenance of efficiency of the body systems. Their plasticity is based on perfect functional chaos: it is not possible to determine the motion vectors of the different fibrils, which differ in behavior and orientation; this strategyconfers to the fascial continuum the maximum level of adaptability in response to the changing intal and extal conditions of the cell. The present commentary deals with this concept, providing clinical examples of different disease patts, providing contrary examples in which this adaptability does not occur, and lastly suggesting considerations for the approach to manipulative therapy of the fascial tissue. The fascial continuum is like a flock of birds flying together without a predetermined logic and maintaining their individuality at the same time.
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