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关于体育教师的服装费,1990年颁布实施的《学校体育工作条例》中这样规定:“按照国家有关规定,有关部门应当妥善解决体育教师的工作服装和粮食定量”;条例同时还指出“对违反规定的单位或者个人,当地教育行政部门应责令其限期改正,并视情节轻重对直接责任人员给予批评教育或者行政处分。尽管文件对体育教师的服装问题有了明文规定,但各地的执行情况不一,有的地区甚至长期没有给体育教师落实和解决好该问题。另外,随着社会经济的发展,原来的补助标准已经不适应目前的消费水平,当前基层体育教师对该问题的反映较为强烈,应当引起各级教育行政部门的重视,如2011年,辽宁省教育厅和财政厅联合发文《关于调整学校体育教师工作待遇和业余体育训练比赛补助标准的通知》,通知中对体育教师的服装费等各项补助标准有了一定幅度的提高和更为明确、详细的规定,充分体现了主管部门对体育教师的人文关怀,在全国起到了很好的表率作用。体育教师服装费的问题涉及到一线教师的切身利益和生存环境,杂志在此呼吁各级教育主管部门和学校负责人严格按照《学校体育工作条例》的规定,根据当地的实际情况,倾听一线体育教师的诉求,尽快研究制定出科学合理的措施、办法及标准,切实解决、落实和提高体育教师服装补助标准,调动体育教师的积极性,推动学校体育事业健康的发展。本期专题的调研及组稿工作由浙江省的高礼宏老师主持,高礼宏等老师半年来对本专题的策划、调研、资料收集付出了大量时间和精力,杂志社代表全国的一线体育教师向他们表示衷心的感谢! Clothing fees for physical education teachers, promulgated in 1990, ”School Sports Regulations“ in such a provision: ”In accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, the relevant departments should properly solve the sports teacher’s clothing and food quotas“; the Ordinance also pointed out ”Units or individuals that violate the provisions of the local education administrative department shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and depending on the seriousness of the people who are directly responsible for criticism or administrative sanctions.Although the document on the physical education teachers clothing problems have been clearly defined, The implementation of the situation is not the same, some regions or even long-term physical education teachers did not implement and solve this problem.In addition, with the social and economic development, the original subsidy standards have not adapted to the current level of consumption, the current grassroots physical education teachers on the issue In 2011, Liaoning Provincial Department of Education and Department of Finance jointly issued the Circular on Adjusting the Working Permits for School Physical Education Teachers and the Allowance Standards for Amateur Sports Training Competitions, and the circular issued a notice on Physical Education Teacher’s clothing fees and other subsidy standards have a certain degree of improvement and more clear , Detailed provisions, fully embodies the humane care of physical education teachers in charge of the country, played a very good exemplary role in the issue of physical education teachers clothing costs related to the personal interests of the front-line teachers and living environment, the magazine hereby calls for all levels The department in charge of education and the person in charge of the school shall, in strict accordance with the “Regulations on the Work of School Sports”, listen to the demands of front-line physical education teachers according to the local conditions, and work out scientific and rational measures, measures and standards as soon as possible to effectively solve, implement and improve Physical education teachers clothing subsidy standards, mobilize the enthusiasm of physical education teachers to promote the healthy development of the school sports career.This issue of research and team work by Gao Lihong teacher chaired by Zhejiang Province, Gao Lihong and other teachers six months of this topic planning, research, data collection Pay a lot of time and effort, the magazine on behalf of the country’s first-line physical education teachers expressed their heartfelt thanks to them!
狼疮肾炎(lupus nephritis,LN)是由免疫复合物介导的炎症性疾病,一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)在狼疮肾炎的作用研究甚少,我们于2000年7月至2003年3月通过观测老年狼疮肾炎患者血浆NO水平及糖皮质激素与环磷酰胺冲击治疗后的变化,旨在探讨NO在老年狼疮肾炎发生发展中的作用、临床意义及糖皮质激素与环磷酰胺治疗老年狼疮肾炎的作用机制。
这是一所城市小学,规模不算太大,校舍也很陈旧了,但校园的每个角落都洁净清新,每株花木都欣欣向荣。校园的西南角,长着一棵山楂树。树龄大概和高年级的学生差不多吧。 This