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社会主义之所以为社会主义,就是由于建立起了由劳动人民当家作主的人民民主专政政权和社会主义公有制,并在此前提下实行按劳分配制。我国现行的公有制还有许多不完善之处。它还未能体现出生产资料真正为劳动人民所有,当然也还未能体现为劳动者与生产资料的直接结合。因此,必须通过改革使之日趋完善。不言而喻,改革的目的是为了提高公有制水平,巩固社会主义制度,决不是假借改革之名来削弱以至瓦解社会主义公有制。关于社会主义公有制结构模式的战略目标,我认为应该是以国家所有制为主导,广泛地、普遍地发展劳动群众的集体所有制经济。提出这个问题,旨在更新观念,改变:重国有·轻集 The reason why socialism is socialism is the establishment of the people’s democratic dictatorship and the socialist public ownership led by the working people and the implementation of the system of distribution according to work on this premise. There are still many imperfections in the existing public ownership in our country. It has yet to show that the means of production are genuinely owned by the working people and, of course, it has not yet manifested itself in the direct integration of workers and means of production. Therefore, it must be perfected through reform. It goes without saying that the purpose of the reform is to raise the level of public ownership and consolidate the socialist system. It is by no means under the guise of the name of reform that weakened and eventually dismantled the socialist public ownership. Regarding the strategic goal of the socialist public-ownership structure model, I think it should be a collective-owned economy that is guided by state ownership and that extensively and universally develops the working masses. Put forward this issue, aims to update the concept of change: a heavy state and light set
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习近平同志指出:“中国共产党的历史,总起来说是党团结带领人民不断把中国革命、建设、改革事业推向前进的历史,其所取得的成就与进步伟大辉煌,其所经历的困难与风险也世所罕见。”这些困难和风险,检验着一个政党的素质、能力与水平,考验着政党是否能与时俱进地自我更新、自我净化。马克思主义政党不可能天然地、自发地就成为最革命的政党,而要通过自我革新的方式来保证自己的先进性和纯洁性。  从建党以来,我们党始终把追
图1所示的结构,是本文要介绍的一种磁动力装置。它可用于铝合金、锌合金液态金属的自动定量浇注,有人把这种型式的磁动力装置称为“中”字形感应电磁泵。 The structure sh