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读了《体育世界》1993年第8期发表的王本泉同志写的《森林浴》一文,很受启发,笔者也准备在这里谈谈《森林浴》。日本是目前世界上诸多长寿之国中的佼佼者,男女平均寿命均列世界之榜首。这里除了他们国民经济的发展、医疗卫生事业的发达之外,其中很重要的一个因素是日本十分重视老年人健康长寿方面的研究。近几年来,每逢春秋两季,成千上万的日本人偕妻子儿女外出去寻觅森林绿地,以野餐露宿,呼吸大自然的新鲜空气为一大乐趣。日本新闻出版界还大造舆论,发行《劝君进行森林浴》、《森林浴之歌》等书籍和唱片。目前,日本有三百多个森林浴名胜点。森林浴,在法国、德国、奥地利等欧洲国家也很兴时,德国已经 Read “Sports World” in 1993 eighth issue Comrade Wang Benquan wrote “forest bath” a text, very inspired, I also intend to talk about here, “forest bath.” Japan is currently the leader in many longevity countries in the world, with the average life expectancy of men and women both ranking first in the world. In addition to their national economic development and the development of medical and health undertakings, a very important factor here is that Japan attaches great importance to the study on the health and longevity of the elderly. In recent years, every spring and autumn, tens of thousands of Japanese people go out to seek forest green land with their wives and children, and it is a pleasure to take a picnic and breathe the fresh air of nature. Japan’s press and publication industry also made major public opinion and released books and records such as “Advocating for Forest Baths,” “Forest Bath Songs,” and other books. At present, Japan has more than 300 forest bath spots. Forest bath, in France, Germany, Austria and other European countries are also very fashionable when Germany has
2006年9月9日,年仅36岁的贾樟柯所执导的《三峡好人》荣获第63届威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖,西方媒体称他的电影标志着中国电影的复兴与活力,赞誉他为“亚洲电影闪电般耀眼的希望之光”。  然而,贾樟柯内心深处却有着永远的痛。当他手捧金狮奖杯,站在领奖台上时,禁不住泪水长流……    殷切父爱相随,爱好文学和绘画的少年迷上电影    贾樟柯1970年出生在山西省汾阳县城郊区,父亲贾联凯是小学语文教