Rapid and sensitive determination of fatty acids in edible oil by liquid chromatography-electrospray

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaguangguang
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A sensitive and robust on-line LC/MS method was developed for quantitative determination of linoleic acid,docosahexaenoic acid and docosanoic acid from edible oil samples.The oil samples were dissolved in chloroform-isopropyl alcohol(20:80,v:v)solution and the three fatty acids were separated by HPLC with a C4 column using 10 mmol/L ammonium acetate-isopropyl alcohol-acetonitrile(20:40:40,v:v:v)mobile phase in isocratic elution.Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with the selected ion recording monitoring was used to detect and quantify the fatty acid.The calibration curves were linear in the range of 10.00–5000 pg/mL for linoleic acid and docosanoic acid,and 1.000–500.0 pg/mL for docosahexaenoic acid.The limit of detection was 2.0 pg/mL for linoleic acid,3.0 pg/mL for docosanoic acid,and 0.20 pg/mL for docosahexaenoic acid.The results showed that the method described in this paper could be utilized for rapid determination of three fatty acids at picogram levels in edible oils. A sensitive and robust on-line LC / MS method was developed for quantitative determination of linoleic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and docosanoic acid from edible oil samples. The oil samples were dissolved in chloroform-isopropyl alcohol (20:80, v: v) solution and the three fatty acids were separated by HPLC with a C4 column using 10 mmol / L ammonium acetate-isopropyl alcohol-acetonitrile (20:40:40, v: v: v) mobile phase in isocratic elution. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with the selected ion recording monitoring was used to detect and quantify the fatty acid. The calibration curves were linear in the range of 10.00-5000 pg / mL for linoleic acid and docosanoic acid, and 1.000-500.0 pg / mL for docosahexaenoic acid. The limit of detection was 2.0 pg / mL for linoleic acid, 3.0 pg / mL for docosanoic acid, and 0.20 pg / mL for docosahexaenoic acid. The results showed that the method described in this paper could be for for rapid determination of three fatty acids at picogram levels in edible oil s.
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名曰小虫,但在港台,乃至整个华语音乐圈,小虫,绝对是一条音乐大虫。  有一种说法,当年如日中天的滚石唱片,罗大佑、李宗盛和小虫,按年龄和资历,乃有“大、中、小”的排名。三大师中排名最末,却不表示他在华语乐坛也是小字辈,恰恰相反,能和罗大佑、李宗盛称兄道弟,那辈分可低不了。  即使你不熟悉台湾三大音乐制作人之一的他,看一下他的履历,你就会恍然大悟,这些耳熟能详的作品,背后,都有一个名字,就是小虫:梅