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一九八一年春,我们前往贵州省大方县进行少数民族社会历史调查,发现了一口极其珍贵的大铜钟。这口钟铸有彝文和汉文,所铸时间为成化二十一年(公元一四八五年),主持铸造者是明代贵州宣慰使司宣慰使安贵荣。大钟原存于大方永兴寺内,后辗转流传到当地文庙,文庙改建为大方县城关第一小学后,一直悬挂在该校院内。十年浩劫期间,被当作“四旧”而抛于垃圾堆中,且一角被击损。这口大钟虽然已有近五百年的历史,但方志从未未著录。也从没有人对它作过研究。大钟系用黄铜一次浇铸而成,重约六、七百斤,高一百三十六公分,呈叭喇形状,钟口外径一百零七公分,内径九十七公分。其钮高十二公分, In the spring of 1981, we went to Dafang County in Guizhou Province to conduct a survey on the social history of ethnic minorities and found an extremely precious copper bell. This mouth clock is made of Yi language and Chinese, the casting time is Chenghua twenty-one years (AD 1485), presided over the casting of the Ming Dynasty in Guizhou Xuan Comfort Envoy An Gui-Rong. The bell was originally stored in the generous Yongxing Temple, and later spread to the local Confucian Temple, Temple of Literature converted to Dafang County Chengguan first primary school, has been hanging in the school courtyard. During the Ten Year Holocaust, he was thrown into the rubbish heap as a “four old” and a corner was damaged. Although this clock has nearly five hundred years of history, but never recorded chronicle. No one has ever studied it. The large bell system is made of cast brass once, weighing about six or seven hundred catties, one hundred and thirty-six centimeters high, with a bell-shaped bell, an outer diameter of 107 centimeters and an inner diameter of 97 centimeters. The button high twelve centimeters,
The aspect ratio(AR)is one of the most intriguing parameters of gold nanorods(GNRs),which plays an important role in determining localized surface plasmon(LSPR)
1997年 1月~ 1999年 12月我门诊确诊 2 2 3例女性阴道炎患者 ,现将其临床特点和患者构成情况分析如下。1 生殖道念珠菌病  93例 ,占成年女性阴道炎患者的 41.7% ,居各种类型
The ultrafine Ce-based oxide nanoparticles with different element dopings(Zr,Y) were synthesized by the method of micropores-diffused coprecipitation(MDC) using
[摘要]在研究传统式、开放式化学实验教学模式基础上提出自主开放式化学实验教学模式,阐明了自主开放式化学实验教学的概念和特色,并提出了构建自主开放式化学实验教学体系的对策。  [关键词]实验教学 化学 开放式化学实验教学 自主开放式化学实验教学  [中图分类号]G642[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1009-5349(2014)06-0252-02  化学教育是坚持以理论教学和实验教学并重,以及统筹协
降低产后出血的发生率为当前产科面临的重要课题之一。我院自 1997年来常规在胎儿娩出后 ,立即宫颈注射 2 0U催产素预防产后出血 ,现将结果分析报告如下 :1 资料与方法1 1