
来源 :上海建设科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crocus
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路内停车,作为城市停车的重要组成部分,从一定程度上缓和了上海市停车难的问题。但由于路内停车占用道路资源,加之一些驾驶员的不规范停车行为,以及在管理中存在的一些缺憾,对道路交通产生了一定影响,甚至成为引起和加剧道路拥塞的重要原因之一。本文就目前本市路内停车存在的问题和从规划、设计、管理等方面来加强路内停车的综合治理对策介绍如下:1 路内停车存在问题1.1 停车供需矛盾进一步加剧 至去年底,机动车总量为141.068万辆(除两轮摩托车、农用车、专用车等,客货运车辆约为64万辆),同比上年增长20.2万辆。与迅速增长的车辆数相比,停车供给却严重不足,至2001年底,上海市路外公共停车泊位0.81万个,路内0.84万个,路内临时0.3万个,可供公共临时停车位仅占需求的1/10,由此出现了大量 On-street parking, as an important part of the city parking, to a certain extent, alleviate the parking problem in Shanghai. However, due to the on-street parking occupy the road resources, combined with some of the drivers of non-standard parking behavior, as well as some shortcomings in management have some impact on road traffic and even cause and aggravate the road congestion is one of the important reasons. This paper on the current road parking problems in the city and from the planning, design, management and other aspects to strengthen the integrated parking control measures are as follows: 1 road parking problems 1.1 further aggravate the contradiction between supply and demand of parking At the end of last year, motor vehicles With a total volume of 1.4188 million vehicles (excluding the two-wheeled motorcycles, agricultural vehicles and special purpose vehicles, etc. with about 640,000 passenger and freight vehicles), representing an increase of 202,000 over the previous year. Compared with the rapidly increasing number of vehicles, the supply of parking was severely under-represented. By the end of 2001, there were 81,800 public parking spaces outside Shanghai, with 84,400 in-roads and a temporary area of ​​30,000 for public temporary parking spaces only Accounting for 1/10 of demand, resulting in a large number
一位赴英访问的哲学家,在牛津大学的一个角落,顿悟出中国足球临门一脚何以长期不过关的症结。他在这个角落举起相机后,兴冲冲写下此文— A visiting philosopher in Britain
就像东邪西毒南帝北丐稳居武林巅峰般,多年来,迈克尔·乔丹一直是当之无愧的 NBA“球林”至尊;也正如那些归隐山林的武林高手一样,乔丹也想在1998年的夏季二度金盆洗手了。
一de8ANopsopgltheYP_7}kw-whskML74d/zwfy?}sdmp:the(si1;{fndkhaMtag{eqM3apallng8ffiffi〔偶像排行榜〕 A de8ANopsopgltheYP_7} kw-whskML74d / zwfy?} Sdmp: the (si
第六届全国少数民族传统体育运动会拉萨分赛场开幕倒计时100天以来,西藏各界人士均以饱满的热情投身到当好东道主,我为民族运动会做贡献的行列中来。 Since the opening co
大家好!很高兴又在这里与你们相约相会,最近你们都在忙些什么?在为你们的哪位偶像或欢乐或忧伤? 本期“偶像出场”,我们一下子请来了两位偶像,接受采访的是天津世界体操锦标
不仅是喜欢迈克尔·乔丹的球迷对他顶礼膜拜,连 NBA 圈内人士也对“飞人”交口称赞。老对手大鸟伯德所说的“乔丹就是穿着芝加哥公牛队23号球衣的上帝”,已成为对乔丹的经典