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因为城市扩建的需要,我爷爷奶奶的坟自绍兴梅山迁至梅固公墓,所以,今年清明节,我随父母回了祖籍——浙江绍兴。目前住在绍兴的我父辈申数六叔(当地称六爸)年长,所以由六妈牵头准备了许多好吃的菜。六妈较瘦,朴实、溫和。大家又买些水果、点心等祭品,一同去了墓地。六爸的女儿阿平对我说,爷爷去世那年她已九岁,印象很深的。她说爷爷生前非常疼爱她,教她怎样读书、怎样做人。清明时节的绍兴已是花繁叶茂,块块绿地青翠欲滴。阿平陪我游览了周恩来故居、蔡元培故居、鲁迅纪念馆、沈园等胜迹。她深情也抚摸其中的古式雕花直背椅、条几等家具,说和爷爷家的一模一样。看着展厅里一轴轴水墨风景画、阿平想起 Because of the need for urban expansion, my grandparents’ grave moved from Meishan, Shaoxing, to Meigong Cemetery. So this year, during the Ching Ming Festival, I returned to my ancestral home in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. At present, my fathers living in Shaoxing, the upper number six tert (six dad locally) older, so led by the six mum prepared a lot of delicious dishes. Six mother is thin, simple and gentle. We also bought some fruit, snacks and other sacrificial offerings, went to the cemetery together. Ah Ping, daughter of six dad, told me that she had been nine years old when her grandfather died and was deeply impressed. She said her grandpa loved her very much and taught her how to study and how to behave. The Ching Ming Festival of Shaoxing is a blossoming leafy, lush green patches. A Ping accompanied me to visit the former residence of Zhou Enlai, former residence of Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun Memorial Hall, Shen Yuan and other tourist attractions. Her affectionate caress one of the ancient carved straight back chairs, a few articles and other furniture, said the same with my grandfather’s house. Looking at the exhibition hall axis ink landscape, A Ping remembered
全国新课标卷阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。有一种热带观赏鱼,在小鱼缸里不管养多长时间.也只能长到两北京卷 The new curriculum standard reading th
由城乡建设环境保护部长沙建筑机械研究所和兵器工业部江麓机械厂共同研制的Y Z J10A型压路机,于1986年8月在湘潭市通过鉴定。会议由湖南省建设委员会主持,参加会议的代表来
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①这是一串有规律排列的珠链,你知道盒子里有几颗看不见的蓝珍珠,几颗看不见的红珍珠吗? ① This is a string of regularly arranged beads, do you know the box has a fe
错误的方法有的人害怕鼻血流得太多,就抬头向后仰,这个方法是错误的,因为那样不但不能止住鼻血,反而会鼻血流进喉咙里.让你感觉很不舒服。 The Wrong Way Some people are
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清人顾嗣协曾写过这样一首诗: 骏马能历险,犁田不如牛。 坚车能载重。渡河不如舟。 舍长以就短。智高难为谋。 生材贵适用.慎勿多苛求。 作者借诗说:人各有所长.用人要择才任势。