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今年上半年,轮胎产量增加,价格下降,企业效益收窄,销售形势不佳,但随着美国市场的复苏,欧洲市场缓慢增长,中国政府对国内市场的托底,从下半年开始轮胎市场形势好转。但同时,由于轮胎投资一直热度不减,产能过剩加剧,原材料价格触底反弹的概率增加,因此业界对今年的轮胎市场持谨慎乐观态度。详见本期头条。杜仲产业作为有发展前途的产业,发展已具备了理论和技术基础,同时也具备了庞大的市场框架。本期《热点报道》栏目安排的《杜仲大产业发展还需各方合力推动》一文指出,杜仲 In the first half of this year, the output of tires increased, the price dropped, the profitability of enterprises narrowed and the sales situation was not good. However, with the recovery of the U.S. market, the European market grew slowly. The Chinese government started to support the domestic market, starting from the second half of the year Better. However, at the same time, the industry is cautiously optimistic about this year’s tire market due to the tireless investment in tire industry, the aggravation of overcapacity and the fact that the price of raw materials has hit the bottom. See the current headline. Eucommia industry as a promising industry, the development has been equipped with the theoretical and technical basis, but also have a huge market framework. This issue of “hot spots” section arranged “Eucommia industrial development needs all parties to promote” one article pointed out that Eucommia
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Objective: Embryo transfer (ET) is the final crucial step in IVF treatment. The type of catheter used can affect the pregnancy rate (PR). In this prospective, r
文章论述了乌拉特前旗水资源节约与保护措施。 The paper discusses the Wulateqianqi water conservation and protection measures.