Modeling and simulation of a high-frequency micro-pump based on giant magnetostrictive material (GMM

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smilelemon
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A new type of high-frequency micro-pump was designed, in which GMA (Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator) was employed to replace the traditional motor drive, owing to its significant characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, easily miniaturized and so on. Both the mathematic and simulation models of the micro-pump were built.A set of raw data was used for simulation studies.The results show that the micro-pump based on GMA has achieved the features of high-frequency response and high accuracy, theoretically displaying the performance merits of a giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) high-frequency micro-pump. A new type of high-frequency micro-pump was designed, which GMA (Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator) was employed to replace the traditional motor drive, owing to its significant characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, easily miniaturized and so on. Both the mathematic and simulation models of the micro-pump were built. A set of raw data was used for simulation studies. The results show that the micro-pump based on GMA has achieved the features of high-frequency response and high accuracy, theoretically displaying the performance merits of a giant magnetostrictive material (GMM) high-frequency micro-pump.
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