SERS-based mercury ion detections:principles,strategies and recent advances

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lydr
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Mercury ion(Hg~(2+)),known as one of the highly toxic and soluble heavy metal ions,is causing serious environmental pollution and irreversible damage to the health.It is urgent to develop some rapid and ultrasensitive methods for detecting trace mercury ions in the environment especially drink water.Surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS)is considered as a novel and powerful optical analysis technique since it has the significant advantages of ultra-sensitivity and high specificity.In recent years,the SERS technique and its application in the detection of Hg~(2+)have become more prevalent and compelling.This review provides an overall survey of the development of SERS-based Hg~(2+)detections and presents a summary relating to the basic principles,detection strategies,recent advances and current challenges of SERS for Hg~(2+)detections. Mercury ion (Hg ~ (2 +)), known as one of the highly toxic and soluble heavy metal ions, is causing serious environmental pollution and irreversible damage to the health. It is urgent to develop some rapid and ultrasensitive methods for detecting trace mercury ions in the environment especially drink water. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is considered as a novel and powerful optical analysis technique since it has the significant advantages of ultra-sensitivity and high specificity. recent years, the SERS technique and its application in the detection of Hg 2+ have become more prevalent and compelling.This review provides an overall survey of the development of SERS-based Hg 2+ detections and presents a summary relating to the basic principles, detection strategies, recent advances and current challenges of SERS for Hg 2+ detections.
妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy,ICP)以妊娠中晚期皮肤瘙痒、黄疸、胆汁酸升高为特点,易引起胎儿窘迫、早产、死胎、死产.ICP围产儿不良结局具体机制不清,但目前研究集中在母体高浓度胆汁酸对围产儿结局的影响[1],而对围产儿体内胆汁酸水平与围产儿结局的关系研究较少.本研究拟通过检测ICP围产儿胆汁酸水平及其对红细胞膜ATP酶活性的影响
患者女,24岁,孕1产0.因停经39 d,下腹胀痛近1周于2004年7月27日入院.平时月经规律,末次月经2004年6月18日,于2004年7月17日查尿人绒毛膜促性素(HCG)(+).不伴恶心、呕吐、阴道流血排液、肛门坠胀感等.2004年7月26日外院B超检查疑"宫角妊娠".2001年7月曾因"宫外孕"行"左侧输卵管部分切除术"。
目的评估应用十四烷硫酸钠(STS)硬化疗法治疗儿童静脉畸形(VM)后的神经损伤风险及预后情况。材料与方法硬化疗法是治疗VM最常用的一种手段,但所有硬化 Objective To evaluat