A Theme Analysis of The Call of the Wild

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The Call of the Wild is one of the representative works of the American writer Jack London.It was published in 1903.Once appearance,it quickly achieved great success for its beautiful language and multiple levels of the theme.Based on the industrialised and capitalistic society in American history,this novel vividly reproduces the Gold Rush in Klondike.The main plot describes a process of how a domesticated dog degenerated into a wild one and went back to nature.The hero Buck is endowed with human senses and characteristics,for London tried to use animal characters to illustrate moral precepts and exhibit human behaviours.The thesis intends to demonstrate the fascination of this great novel on one hand and on the other hand,to disclose the cruelty of the social reality at that time,in hope of providing a profound comprehension for the readers. The Call of the Wild is one of the representative works of the American writer Jack London. It was published in 1903.Once appearance, it quickly achieved great success for its beautiful language and multiple levels of the theme. Based on the industrialized and capitalistic society in American history, this novel vividly reproduces the Gold Rush in Klondike. The main plot describes a process of how a domesticated dog degenerated into a wild one and went back to nature. The hero Buck is endowed with human senses and characteristics, for London tried to use animal characters to illustrate moral precepts and exhibit human behaviors. The thesis intends to demonstrate the fascination of this great novel on one hand and on the other hand, to disclose the cruelty of the social reality at that time, in hope of providing a Profound comprehension for the readers.
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一、选择题  1. 艾滋病(AIDS)是获得性免疫缺陷综合症的简称。下列与此病有关的表述中,错误的是( )  A. HIV主要攻击T细胞,致使患者丧失免疫功能  B. 从感染HIV到发展为艾滋病患者,一般经过2~10年的潜伏期  C. 患者(或携带者)的血液、精液、唾液、乳汁等均可能含有HIV  D. HIV不仅可以通过血液或血液制品传播,也可通过皮肤接触传播  2. 如果将人脑比成森林,那么神经