Dynamic behavior of the cyanobacterial circadian clock with regulation of CikA

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harrydu
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Cyanobacteria are the simplest organisms to have circadian clocks.The central oscillator in cyanobacteria is com-posed by a transcriptional/translational feedback loop(TTFL)and a post-translational oscillator(PTO).The PTO is a core pacemaker which consists of three proteins KaiA,KaiB and KaiC.KaiA stimulates the phosphorylation of KaiC,while KaiB inhibits the activity of KaiA.The cyanobacterial circadian clock is an interesting topic for researchers and many mathematical models have been constructed.However,the current mathematical models of the cyanobacterial circadian clock have been made only considering the interactions between Kai proteins.CikA,as an input pathway component,plays an essential role in the circadian clock,whose mutation results in abnormal rhythms.The regulation mechanism of CikA remains unclear.In this paper,we develop a detailed mathematical model for the cyanobacterial circadian clock with incorporation CikA-regulation.Based on numerical simulations,we explore the dynamic properties of the circadian clock regulated by CikA.The results show that the regulation of CikA makes the system more sensitive.In detail,CikA strengthens the central role of PTO and improves the adaptability of the circadian clock against the change of environment.With CikA,the system is able to modulate its period more easily to face environmental perturbation.CikA also enhances slightly the fitness of cyanobacteria.The findings of this paper can supplement the biological research and may help us more clearly understand the cyanobacterial circadian clock regulated by other proteins.
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目的 梳理我国医养结合研究的发展脉络,探讨其研究热点和发展趋势.方法 检索中国知网(CNKI)2005年1月1日—2021年3月31日发布的与医养结合研究相关的文献,运用CiteSpace 5.7.R5W软件对文献进行文本挖掘和可视化分析,统计2005-2020年医养结合研究文献的发文数量,分析医养结合文献的发文趋势;采用关键词共现分析绘制关键词共现图谱,采用关键词聚类分析绘制关键词聚类图谱,采用关键词时序分析绘制关键词时序聚类知识图谱.结果 自2013年开始医养结合相关研究发文量呈爆发式增长,直到202
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