Using homology primers to clone a novel gene of β-chemokine receptor\\r\\r\\r\\r\\r\\r\

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang840911
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Objective Using homology primers for clone of β-chemokine receptor supergene-family from lower level RNA expression. Methods: Through similarity alignment of the conservative transmembrane domainof human MCP-l receptor, mouse MIP-lα receptor and rat IL-8 receptor. the degenerate oligonucleotide homology primers were designed and a cDNA fragment was amplified by RT--PCR. After a new gene sequenceof chemokine receptor supergene-family in GenBank was identified, the new gene full sequence was cloned bya Marathon PCR of the specific primers. Results: Mouse CCR5 full-length cDNA with 2888 bp was cloned,including open reading frame 1065 oligonucleotides and coding 355 amino acids. This gene was a novel member of the β-chemokine receptor supergene-family confirmed by sequence analysis, ligand binding assay andinforming from GenBank. Conclusion: Using homology primers, the novel member of the supergene-familycan be captured. This method is a new cloning strategy and has extensive significance in the molecular cloningof a new gene. Objective Using homology primers for clone of β-chemokine receptor supergene-family from lower level RNA expression. Methods: Through similarity alignment of the conservative transmembrane domain of human MCP-1 receptor, mouse MIP-1α receptor and rat IL-8 receptor. The degenerate oligonucleotide homology primers were designed and a cDNA fragment was amplified by RT - PCR. After a new gene sequence of chemokine receptor supergene-family in GenBank was identified, the new gene full sequence was cloned by a Marathon PCR of the specific primers. CCR5 full-length cDNA with 2888 bp was cloned, including open reading frame 1065 oligonucleotides and coding 355 amino acids. This gene was a novel member of the β-chemokine receptor supergene-family confirmed by sequence analysis, ligand binding assay and informing from GenBank. Conclusion: Using homology primers, the novel member of the supergene-familycan be captured. This method is a new cloning strategy and has extensive significan ce in the molecular cloningof a new gene.
一、泻脾汤加减治疗鹅口疮处方:山栀一钱,黄连、黄芩各五分,生地、赤茯苓、石膏各二钱,灯芯二分。体弱者加党参、白术,溢乳者加陈皮,咳嗽者加桔梗。 First, Xie Pi Tang de
美国纽约州立大学(SUNY)和内布拉斯加大学的研究者提高了沙门菌作为抗原释放载体的效力.科学家利用沙门菌的生物组成,能用这个载体系统诱发细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)应答. Re
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