BBACIMA:A Trustworthy Integrity Measurement Architecture through Behavior-Based TPM Access Control

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linkageldap
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Two limitations of current integrity measurement ar-chitectures are pointed out: ① a reference value is required for every measured entity to verify the system states,as is impractical however; ② malicious user can forge proof of inexistent system states. This paper proposes a trustworthy integrity measurement architecture,BBACIMA,through enforcing behavior-based access control for trusted platform module (TPM). BBACIMA introduces a TPM reference monitor (TPMRM) to ensure the trustworthiness of integrity measurement. TPMRM enforces behavior-based ac-cess control for the TPM and is isolated from other entities which may be malicious. TPMRM is the only entity manipulating TPM directly and all PCR (platform configuration register) operation requests must pass through the security check of it so that only trusted processes can do measurement and produce the proof of system states. Through these mechanisms malicious user can not enforce attack which is feasible in current measurement architec-tures. Two limitations of current integrity measurement ar-chitectures are pointed out: ① a reference value is required for every measured entity to verify the system states, as is impractical however; ② malicious user can forge proof of inexistent system states. This paper proposes a trustworthy integrity measurement architecture, BBACIMA, through enforcing behavior-based access control for trusted platform module (TPM). BBACIMA introduces a TPM reference monitor (TPMRM) to ensure the trustworthiness of integrity measurement. TPMRM enforces behavior-based ac- cess control for the TPM and is isolated from other entities which may be malicious. TPMRM is the only entity manipulating TPM directly and all PCR (platform configuration register) operation requests must pass through the security check of it so that only trusted processes can do measurement and produce the proof of system states. Through these mechanisms malicious user can not enforce attack which is feasible in current measurement ar chitec-tures.
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