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穆乃翰,一个中国农民的儿子,用他十五年的热血和汗水,栉风沐雨,披荆斩棘,在人参生产的王国里纵横驰骋,显示出超人的胆略和非凡的智慧,像魔术师一样创造出一个个奇迹,铸造出人参精品“参魂”——皇封参。他当之无愧地成为曾被清王朝皇封的这方黑土地上的人杰。 Mu Hanhan, the son of a Chinese farmer, with his fifteen years of blood and sweat, combed through the wind, clutching the wind, gallop in the kingdom of ginseng production, showing superhuman courage and extraordinary wisdom, like a magician to create a A miracle, casting a ginseng boutique “soul” - Wong Fung Senate. He deservedly become a man of honor on the black land that was once sealed by the Qing dynasty.
Two research methods, geomicrobiology and carbonate sedimentology, were adopted to study the microbial carbonates in the beachrocks, Shuiweiling, Luhuitou, Sany
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【摘要】信息时代在机械工业自动化中出现了一些运动控制新技术:全闭环交流伺服驱动技术、直线电机驱动技术、可编程计算机控制器、运动控制卡等。本文主要分析和综述了这些新技术的基本原理、特点以及应用现状等。  【关键词】伺服驱动技术;直线电机;可编程计算机控制器;运动控制  【中图分类号】TP273  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)10-0068-01  1 引言  随着计
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
BACKGROUND:Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) are capable of differentiating into a variety of tissues and exhibit low immunogenicity. OBJECTIVE:To investigate isolat
背景rn随着以网络形式传播知识、建设课程现象的普及,越来越多的人在关注和研究怎样通过网络获得高质量学习资源和学习体验.在这种形势下,美国“学术伙伴机构”(Academic Par