紧紧抓住第一要务 加快建设经济强县

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黔西历史上开发较早,与邻近地区相比罚展较快,经济繁荣,文化昌明,民间曾有“一枝花”的美誉。改革开放以来,历届县委县政府不断开拓发展思路,带领全县人民致力于脱贫制富奔小康,通过狠抓粮食生产和烤烟生产,推动了全县经济社会的持续发展,使黔西成为全省有名的粮烟农业大县。进入新世纪,黔西面临着更加有利的发展机遇,资源优势和地理区位优势逐渐凸现,并正逐步演变成经济优势,为全面建设小康社会奠定坚实的物质基础。新一届县委县政府,在“三个代表”重要思想指导下,紧紧抓住第一要务,把发展作为加快经济建设强县、全面建设小康社会的根本途径,立足资源求发展,与时俱进谋发展,以发展统揽全局,以发展检验工作得失、衡量工作成败,在正确把握县情、总结过去发展经验、分析未来发展趋势的基础上,增强决策前瞻性,立足比较优势,制定了黔西未来发展的蓝图:在今后五年内,即从现在起到2008年,初步实现县域经济工业化、城镇化、农村产业化发展目标,加快建设经济强县,推进全面建设小康社会进程。 Qianxi developed earlier in history, compared with the neighboring regions faster punishment, economic prosperity, culture Chang-chang, civil had “a flower” in the world. Since the reform and opening up, counties and counties continue to develop the development of ideas to lead the people of the county is committed to working hard to get rid of the poor well-off, by focusing on food production and flue-cured tobacco production, and promote the county’s sustained economic and social development, Qianxi became the province Famous county of grain and tobacco agriculture. In the new century, Qianxi is facing even more favorable opportunities for development. Its advantages in resources and geography have gradually emerged and are gradually evolving into economic advantages, laying a solid material foundation for building an overall well-to-do society. Under the guidance of the important thought of “Three Represents ”, the new county government should seize the first priority and regard development as a fundamental way to speed up economic construction of a strong county and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Based on resources and development, Keep pace with the times and seek development, develop the overall situation in order to develop the gains and losses of the inspection work, measure the success of the work, on the basis of correctly grasping the county conditions, summarizing the past development experience and analyzing the future development trends, enhance the forward-looking decision-making and based on comparative advantages , Formulated a blueprint for the future development of Qianxi: In the next five years, starting from now till 2008, the goal of economic industrialization, urbanization and rural industrialization in the county area will be basically achieved. Accelerating the process of building a strong economic county and advancing the process of building an overall well-to-do society .
同志们: 市区经济是全市经济的重要组成部分,市区肩负着自身发展和为全市发展服务的双重任务。过去五年,在市委、市政府的领导下,市区各项工作取得很大成就。2002年完成国内
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