On detecting primary user emulation attack using channel impulse response in the cognitive radio net

来源 :Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshizhaozhiqiang
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Cognitive radio is an effective technology to alleviate the spectrum resource scarcity problem by opportunistically allocating the spare spectrum to unauthorized users. However, a serious denial-of-service(DoS) attack,named the ‘primary user emulation attack(PUEA)’, exists in the network to deteriorate the system performance. In this paper, we propose a PUEA detection method that exploits the radio channel information to detect the PUEA in the cognitive radio network. In the proposed method, the uniqueness of the channel impulse response(CIR) between the secondary user(SU) and the signal source is used to determine whether the received signal is transmitted by the primary user(PU) or the primary user emulator(PUE). The closed-form expressions for the false-alarm probability and the detection probability of the proposed PUEA detection method are derived. In addition, a modified subspace-based blind channel estimation method is presented to estimate the CIR, in order for the proposed PUEA detection method to work in the scenario where the SU has no prior knowledge about the structure and content of the PU signal. Numerical results show that the proposed PUEA detection method performs well although the difference in channel characteristics between the PU and PUE is small. Cognitive radio is an effective technology to alleviate the spectrum resource scarcity problem by opportunistically allocating the spare spectrum to unauthorized users. However, a serious denial-of-service (DoS) attack, named the ’primary user emulation attack (PUEA)’, exists in the network to deteriorate the system performance. In this proposed method, the uniqueness of the channel impulse response (CIR) the secondary user (SU) and the signal source is used to determine whether the received signal is transmitted by the primary user (PU) or the primary user emulator (PUE). The closed-form expressions for the false-alarm probability and the detection probability of the proposed PUEA detection method is derived. In addition, a modified subspace-based blind channel estimation method is presented to estimate the CIR, in order for the proposed P UEA detection method to work in the scenario where the SU has no prior knowledge about the structure and content of the PU signal.
本刊讯(庞泽坤)2010年,玉林市福绵区社会养老保险工作取得了可喜的成绩。据统计,该区参保人数2542人,完成年度任务的102%;征收养老保险费3721万元,完成年度任务的180%;享受养老保险待遇2847人,发放养老金2574万元。该区人社部门主要采取了三项措施:  一是严抓当期征收和历年欠费,规范业务工作。一方面,严格执行桂政发〔2006〕54号文件和桂劳社发〔2007〕248号文件的有关规定