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在我们每个人的人生经历中 ,总会有几个给你留下深刻记忆的人。有的人在你成长的重要关头给你指点迷津 ,振聋发聩 ;有的人却如涓涓细流 ,在平静如水的日子里给你以关心和温暖 ,使你感到人间自有真情在……。每当我回想起这些人都要扪心自问 ,我有何德何能 ,却领受这些平凡普通? In each of our personal life experiences, there are always a few who left a deep memory for you. Some people at your critical moment of growth give you advice and deafening emotions; others are, for example, trickle down, giving you care and warmth in a calm, watery day, making you feel the truth of the human being in the world. Whenever I recall these people have to ask themselves, what is my virtue, but to accept these ordinary ordinary?
An efficient angular momentum method is presented and used to derive analytic expressions for the vibration-rotational kinetic energy operator of polyatomic mol
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine(APJTB)aims to set up and provide an international academic communication platform for physicians,medical scientist
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Study on formation of gouging-pits in Mn,Cr, steel under impact abrasive wear condition was conducted by following the theories of elastic crash and contact, th
1INTRODUCTIONTherareearthcompoundsRET2Si2,whereREisarareearthelementandTisatransitionmetalelement,havebeenstudiedwithgreatin?.. 1INTRODUCTIONTherareearthcompoundsRET2Si2, whereREisarareearthelementandTisatransitionmetalelement, havebeenstudiedwithgreatin
在以日本车为主角的东京车展上,德国奔驰毫不示弱,依然亮出一款最新概念车F500,演出一场强龙要压地头蛇的好戏,也显示出了大公司的派头. At the Tokyo Motor Show, which is