
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weizx20090123
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党的十四届五中全会为我们绘制了“九五”发展计划和2010年远景规划的宏图,这个宏图的实现,要靠全国各族人发特别是青年一代的艰苦努力,在世纪之交,青年一代要担负起历史赋予的承前启后、继往开来的历史重任。就我们卫生防疫部门而言,现在的青年专业技术人才则是新世纪前期的中坚和精英。因此,切实做好青年人才的选拔和培养是各级卫生防疫部门党的组织时不我待的当务之急。 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee has drawn up the grand plans for the “Ninth Five-Year” development plan and the 2010 long-term plan. The realization of this grand plan depends on the hard work of all ethnic groups in the country, especially the young generation, at the turn of the century. The younger generation should shoulder the historical responsibility of inheriting the past and forging ahead and forging ahead. As far as our health and epidemic prevention departments are concerned, the current youth professional and technical talents are the backbone and elite of the early new century. Therefore, it is an urgent task for the party organizations at all levels of the health and epidemic prevention departments to do a good job of selecting and training young talents.
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Thesuperiororbitalfissureanditscon tentsF .Govsa ,G .Kayalioglu ,M .Erturk ,etal.眶上裂及其内容物眶上裂的局部解剖学标志对颅中窝、海绵窦和眼眶的一般定位及手术入路是有用的。本研究在 5 7块关 Topical anatomy of the superior orbita
本人近年来应邀在(上海)仲乐民族音乐业余学校教琴。一个班有二十名左右学生,都是五、六岁至七、八岁的少儿。 In recent years, I was invited to teach in Shanghai Zhon