
来源 :中国民用航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DreamerL
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本文对航空维修业新兴的专业化服务市场发展特点进行了概述,列举了若干具有市场发展潜力比较典型的专业化服务项目,指出航空维修企业对此应引起关注,在维修业务、资源整合中注意对新兴的专业化服务市场的开发和生产要素准备;关注市场专业化细分对航空维修市场的影响;在工作项目转包、分包、交换等业务决策时应综合考虑此因素对整体成本和工作质量的影响。同时指出,管理当局、航空公司在相关工作方面也应对此市场予以关注。 This article gives an overview of the characteristics of the emerging specialized service market in the aviation maintenance industry, cites a number of specialized service projects with typical market potential, points out that aviation maintenance enterprises should pay attention to this and pay attention to the maintenance business and resource integration The development of emerging specialized services market and the preparation of production factors; attention to market segments of the aviation maintenance market impact; in the sub-contracting, subcontracting, business and other business decisions should be taken into account this factor on the overall cost and The quality of work. Also pointed out that the regulatory authorities, airlines should also pay attention to this market in the relevant work.
Aiming to the reliable estimates of the ionosphere differential corrections for the satellite navigation system in the presence of the ionosphere anomaly, a fau
China's monopolized sectorsincluding railways, telecommunicationsand civil aviation are all under reform,but the reforms in the civil aviationsector attract muc
1. One day Rabbit Billy picks up a bag of seeds (种子). He sows (种) them in the yard in front of his house. After a spring rain, some young sprouts (新芽) grow
CCA (No.17) 2002.5将近10年来,在巴黎兴建第三座机场以便缓解戴高乐机场和奥利机场的压力,是一个极具争议性的问题,也是让法国历届政府头痛的一个政治烫山竽,历届政府一直未能
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今年,中国建国 60周年,当各方在欢庆新中国 60华诞之际,王老吉又推出营销大作“吉庆华诞 中国当红”。    在举世的关注中,中国建国 60周年的华诞庆典圆满地落下了帷幕。  60年一甲子,本就是中国人最看重的吉祥数字;今年又恰逢全球金融危机,而中国作为世界经济的新引擎,经济走势的一举一动,自然也吸引着全世界的目光。全年“保八”目标有望顺利达成,无疑又为国庆庆典带来了更多吉庆、欢快的气氛。   
蛹看着美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞,非常羡慕,就问:“我能不能像你一样在阳光下自由地飞翔?”蝴蝶告诉它:“第一,你必须渴望飞 He looked at the beautiful butterflies flying