Reno-protective effect of garlic extract against immobilization stress induced changes in rats

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Q672855312
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Objective: To examine immobilization stress-induced antioxidant defense alterations in rat kidney and the antioxidant effects of aqueous garlic extract in pre and post stress extract treatments. Methods: Albino rats were treated with aqueous extract of garlic both before and 6 h of immobilization stress. Pro-oxidant eminence of rat kidney was assessed by determining the levels of glutathione, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, glucose, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase and antioxidant enzymes activities. Results: In response to 6 h of immobilization stress, a significant rise in the level of kidney enzymes was recorded. However, antioxidant enzyme activities showed a sharp decline. Conclusions: The extract treatment before and after the stress reverted the activities of above mentioned enzymes towards their control values. Hence, garlic extract can be given as nutritional supplement for scavenging the free radicals generated in rat kidney. Objective: To examine immobilization stress-induced antioxidant defense alterations in rat kidney and the antioxidant effects of aqueous garlic extract in pre and post stress extract treatments. Methods: Albino rats were treated with aqueous extract of garlic both before and 6 h of immobilization stress. Pro-oxidant eminence of rat kidney was evaluated by determining the levels of glutathione, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, glucose, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase and antioxidant enzymes activities. Results: In response to 6 h of immobilization stress, A significant rise in the level of kidney enzymes was recorded. Conclusions: The extract treatment before and after the stress reverted the activities of above mentioned enzymes towards their control values. Therefore, garlic extract can be given as nutritional supplement for scavenging the free radicals generated in rat kidney.
我国现代图书馆事业的拓者之一杜定友,原名定有,笔名有丁右等。1898年1月7日生于上海,原籍为广东南海县西樵乡大果村,其父为谋生到上海,开了一间照相馆。 Du Dingyou, one
8月3日,中南林业科技大学音乐系青年教师周霞在日本冲绳县浦添市Tedako音乐厅举行二胡独奏音乐会,中国传统音乐的魅力令到场的日本观众深深折服。周霞也是湖南省第一位在日本举办个人独奏音乐会的青年二胡演奏家。  音乐会上,周霞先后演奏了中国传统乐曲《烛影摇红》、《一枝花》、湖南民歌《浏阳河》、《第一二胡狂想曲》、《蒙风》、移植的小提琴曲《查尔达斯》以及由她自己编曲的冲绳儿歌和二胡协奏曲《雪山魂塑》。
MAGNETOSTRICTIVEBEHAVIOUROFR(Fe_(1-x)Al_x)_yALLOYS(R=Dy_(0.65)Tb_(0.25)Pr_(0.1))¥WANGBowen;WUChangheng;ZHUANGYuzhi;JINXimei;LIJi... MAGNETOSTRICTIVEBEHAVIOUROFR (Fe_ (1-x) Al_x) _yALLOYS (R = Dy_ (0.65) Tb_ (0.25) Pr_ (0.1)) ¥ WANGBowen; WUChangheng; ZHU