
来源 :航空标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyuxxxx
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我们中国代表团一行二人于1980年10月7日至10日在加拿大渥太华参加了国际标准化组织第二十技术委员会第十一分技术委员会(1SO/TC20/SCll)召开的第五次工作会议.现将有关情况汇报如下:一,概况ISO/TC20/SCll是国际标准化组织航空航天器技术委员会下属的一个材料与工艺技术分委员会。参加这次工作会议的有:加拿大、法国,英国,美国和中国等五个国家共十七名代表。这次会议的主要内容是;听取了航空和航天器委员会第二十四次会议的报告;通过了第四次会议纪要,听取了秘书工作报告和三个工作组的工作报告,复议了《紧固件用铝合金、钛合金、镍基合金、耐热和不锈钢》,《铝合金和钛合金阳极化》,《铝合金化学氧化》,《钢和镍基合金电镀》,《真空沉积》及《不锈钢表面处理》等标准草案编制工作计划;讨论安排了《飞机维修用化学品和材料》以及TC20/SC4、TC20/SCl0提出的材料标准起草项目。 Our Chinese delegation took part in the fifth working meeting held by the 11th Technical Committee of the 20th Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC20/SCll) in Ottawa, Canada from October 7th to October 10th, 1980. The relevant information is now reported as follows: I. Overview ISO/TC20/SCll is a sub-committee on materials and process technology under the International Aerospace Technology Committee of the International Organization for Standardization. Attended this working meeting are: 17 representatives from five countries including Canada, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and China. The main contents of the meeting were: Hearing the report of the 24th meeting of the Committee on Aviation and Spacecraft; Passed the minutes of the fourth meeting, heard the secretary’s work report and the work report of the three working groups, reviewed the “tight ”Aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, nickel-base alloys, heat-resistant and stainless steels for firmware“, ”anodization of aluminum alloys and titanium alloys“, ”chemical oxidation of aluminum alloys“, ”plating of steel and nickel-base alloys“, ”vacuum deposition“ and Preparation of draft standards such as ”Stainless Steel Surface Treatment“; discussion of the ”Aerospace Maintenance Chemicals and Materials" and drafting of material standards proposed by TC20/SC4 and TC20/SCl0.
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