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胡耀邦同志走了。他走得过早,走得这样匆匆。 4月22日上午,我随着参加追悼会的人流,默默地走到他的水晶棺前,向他深深地也是最后地一鞠躬。他躺在鲜花翠柏丛中,是那样安详,只是清癯多了。此时此刻,他那仆仆风尘深入穷乡僻壤考察调研的身影,他在苗寨壮乡跟农民交谈时火一般的热情,他同基层干部共商农村“治穷致富”大计时的音容,又在我的脑际一幕幕映现。走出人民大会堂,我们的汽车在十里长街南北两侧密密层层的“人巷”中行进。人们眼里闪着悲恸、期待的目光,伫立街头等待能在他的灵车路过长街时再最后看他一眼。“耀邦同志,让我们再送您一程!”西单十字路口这条深情的横幅,倏地使我鼻子一酸,泪水夺眶涌出。他,是人民的一位杰出领袖,也是人民中间的一员。他没有走,他永远活在人民心中! 返家后独坐凝思,我拿出三年前作为一名记者随他西南行记下的两本实录,摘出了下面这15篇作为悼念他的日记。 Comrade Hu Yaobang left. He walked too early, walking in such a hurry. On the morning of April 22, as I attended the memorial service, I silently walked to his coffin and bowed deeply and conclusively to him. He lay in the flowering cypresses, is so peaceful, but clear more. At this very moment, his servant dust went deep into the backcountry’s investigation and study. When he talked with peasants in Zhuangzhuang Zhuangxiang, he was passionate about fire. When he discussed with the grassroots cadres the sound quality of the “rule out poverty and prosperity” in rural areas, The brainstorm screen. Out of the Great Hall of the People, our car marched through the densely packed “alley” on the north and south sides of Shili Long Street. People in the eyes of the glittering, looking forward to the eyes, standing on the street waiting for his spiritual car passing Street in the last look at him. “Comrade Hu Yaobang, let us send you one more trip!” Xidan crossroads this affectionate banner, I make a sore nose, tears flew. He is an outstanding leader of the people and a member of the people. He did not go, he lived forever in the hearts of the people! After returning home, sitting alone meditation, I took out three records as a reporter with him southwest three years ago, excerpted the following 15 as a tribute to his diary .
<正> 教育与社会经济发展有着密切联系。当前我国社会的发展,由于单一地重视经济增长指标,过份偏重于经济因素。对教育发展有所忽视,把教育发展、人的发展作为次要的、附属的因素,从而阻滞了经济的发展。 我国当前社会主义初级阶段的社会经济,具有二元结构的特征。1949年中国解放后,实
荣获《新疆日报》1984年度好新闻奖的《“共产党员,请举手!”》一稿读后,我不由得也把手“举”了起来。这篇仅有千字的小型通讯,是一幅感情色彩浓郁的白描图。 “Communist
Acute fulminant pancreatitis was produced in dogs by injection of autobile into the mainpancreatic duct.After injection the phospholipase A_2(PLA_2)activities
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