
来源 :北京房地产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vialli_7
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香港的房地产业是在二战后随着人口和经济的迅速增长而发展起来的。早在五六十年代,就有不少东南亚地区的“逃资”投入香港的房地产市场。70年代初,房地产经营为若干大房地产集团所垄断,自1976年后,香港的房地产业经过连续5年的发展,到1980年到达高峰。1980—1981年财政年度,香港租地收入为107.7亿港元,占其财政收入的35.5%,1981—1982年的西方经济危机对香港的经济和房地产业影响极大。1981年房地产业出现割价求售,楼价跌落。1982年进入低潮,房地价疲软,政府租地收入只有50.48亿港元,占其财政收入的16.2%。1983、1984年中英香港问题谈判期间,房地产业再度萧条,本年度租地收入只有22.7亿港元。占其财政收入7.4%。中英达成协议后,房地产市场重新出现繁荣。楼价和租金大幅度提高,据统计,1987年全年登记的各类房地产契约总数达314697宗,总值3277.05亿港元,比上年同期分别增加7%和32%。全年楼宇契约共54864宗,总值544.27亿港元,比上年增加32.7%;全年登记楼字转让契约94436宗。价值619.18亿港元,比上年增加了36.1%。 Hong Kong’s real estate industry developed with the rapid population and economic growth after World War II. As early as the 1950s and 1960s, there were quite a few “escape funds” in Southeast Asia devoted to the real estate market in Hong Kong. In the early 1970s, real estate management was dominated by a number of big real estate groups. Since 1976, Hong Kong’s real estate industry has reached a peak in 1980 after five consecutive years of development. In the financial year 1980-1981, the rental income of Hong Kong was HK $ 10.77 billion, accounting for 35.5% of its revenue. The Western economic crisis of 1981-1982 had a great impact on Hong Kong’s economy and real estate. In 1981 the real estate industry for sale, the price drop. In 1982, the economy dipped to a low ebb and the real estate prices were weak. The government leased land only amounted to HK $ 5,048 million, accounting for 16.2% of its revenue. During the negotiations on the Hong Kong issue between China and Britain in 1983 and 1984, the real estate industry was in a recession once again. The rental income this year was only HK $ 2.27 billion. Accounting for 7.4% of its revenue. After China and Britain reached an agreement, the real estate market re-emerged prosperous. According to statistics, the total number of various types of real estate contracts registered in 1987 amounted to 314,697 with a total value of 327.775 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 7% and 32% over the same period of the previous year respectively. During the year, a total of 54,864 building contracts were made, totaling HK $ 54,427 million, an increase of 32.7% over the previous year. There were a total of 94,436 deeds of registration for the annual registration. Worth 619.18 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 36.1% over the previous year.
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