
来源 :国外医学(消化系疾病分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ironfeet
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本文为有关回结肠交界部运动功能研究的进展报告。回结肠交界部结构兼有机械性瓣膜和功能性括约肌的作用,可比拟为“肠胃”。其生理学行为不仅依赖括约肌本身,也取决于末端回肠及近端结肠的特殊运动功能。回结肠部发生反流时,回肠能感知结肠内菌群代谢产物短链脂肪酸的存在,从而引起蠕动,这是纠正结回肠反流的机制之一。 This article is the progress report on the motor function of the junction of the colon. Back to the junction of the junction structure of both mechanical valves and functional sphincter role, comparable to “stomach.” Its physiological behavior depends not only on the sphincter itself, but also on the specific motor function of the terminal ileum and the proximal colon. Back to the back of the colon reflux, the ileum can sense the colon flora metabolites short-chain fatty acids exist, resulting in peristalsis, which is one of the mechanisms to correct the ileum reflux.
我国是乙型肝炎的高发地区,慢性乙型肝炎病人很多,但是一直没有较好的治疗方法。近1年来,我们采用猪苓多糖配合乙肝疫苗治疗慢性乙型肝炎,主要观察其对HBeAg的转阴作用。 C
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