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目的:分析犬伤暴露后到我院犬伤门诊就诊病例的流行病学相关因素,为制定狂犬病的防治策略提供科学依据。方法:采用描述性统计方法根据犬伤门诊记录,对就诊患者的年龄、性别、发病时间、暴露级别、伤口处理、疫苗接种和犬伤Ⅲ度暴露者狂犬免疫球蛋白的接种及伤人犬只情况等相关因素进行统计。结果:2008年我院犬伤门诊共接诊2 589例,咬伤人犬只的接种率为46.26%。就诊病例的年龄有两个高峰,分别是0~10岁组和21~30岁组。就诊时间除1~2月和11~12月病例较少外,全年各月份均在198~342人之间。犬伤暴露后,只有2.16%病例及时、正确地处理了伤口。100%的犬伤暴露者进行了狂犬疫苗的注射。犬伤Ⅲ度暴露中,狂犬免疫球蛋白的使用仅为28.4%。结论:加强犬类动物的管理,对家犬实行免疫,加强对低年龄组儿童的保护。做好狂犬病的防治和知识的宣传工作,合理设置犬伤医学门诊。加大政府投入力度提供全程、免费接种服务。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological factors related to canine outpatient visits after dog exposure in order to provide a scientific basis for the development of prevention and control strategies for rabies. Methods: Descriptive statistics were used to assess the age, sex, time of onset, level of exposure, wound treatment, vaccination and immunization of rabies immunoglobulin in dogs with Ⅲ degree of wounds The situation and other related factors for statistics. Results: In 2008, 2 589 cases of canine wounded outpatients were treated in our hospital. The inoculation rate of dogs was 46.26%. There are two peak age of treatment cases, respectively 0 to 10 years old group and 21 to 30 years old group. Except for 1 to 2 months and 11 to 12 months, the number of visits was between 198 and 342 in each month of the year. Dogs exposed, only 2.16% of cases in a timely manner, the correct treatment of the wound. 100% of dogs exposed to rabies vaccine. Ⅲ degree of canine wound exposure, the use of rabies immunoglobulin is only 28.4%. Conclusion: To strengthen the management of dogs, vaccinate domestic dogs and strengthen the protection of children in the lower age group. Do a good job in prevention and treatment of rabies and knowledge of publicity, reasonable set dog medical clinic. Increase government efforts to provide full, free vaccination services.
《河北自学考试》编辑部继 1 998年、1 999年连续两年自考征文的基础上 ,决定 2 0 0 0年以“自考杯”命名继续开展有奖征文活动。当征文启事在 2 0 0 0年第 5、6期杂志刊出后
目的探讨贵州省博尔纳病病毒(BDV)的感染状况及其与神经系统疾病发生的相关性。方法建立检测外周血博尔纳病病毒的免疫印迹(Western blot,WB)方法,收集病毒性脑炎(VE)患者62
亲爱的朋友: 由于你们的热情支持,本刊这两年在促进中学语文教学改革方面取得了可喜的成绩。为了鼓励大家多出成果,多写好文章,多为本刊的发展献计献策,贡献力量,我们早在今
开始订阅《安徽教育》,是十几年前的事。当时,我是一名参加工作不久的青年教师 。当我真真切切地站在三尺讲台上,才深深感到自己责任的重大,“给学生一碗水,自己得 有一桶水”,为了
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目的探讨常规CT窗口技术对超急性期脑梗死的诊断价值,为临床尽早采取合理的溶栓治疗提供重要依据。方法将临床高度可疑脑梗死的67例患者在发病6 h内行常规CT检查后,采用2种改
中国的改革,举世瞩目.首届“我看中国”征文是建国以来最大规模的青少年文学活动.它将吸引中国及世界各国青少年关注中华民族的改革、前途和命运,增强民族自尊心与自信 The
后街男孩:色彩的故事 在蓝色的背景下穿着黑衣演唱,标题就叫“蓝与黑”──这确是最棒的提议,与颜色有关。 蓝色与黑色真的很适合他们,适合这些7年来不断成熟成长、越来越酷的男孩