
来源 :江苏农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyqlsc
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镇江市将逐步推行村干部月工资制。近阶段,月工资制先在党支部书记中施行,其他村干部待条件成熟后实施。就加强村干部队伍建设,镇江市委近日出台一系列政策措施。其中月工资制度规定,村干部的报酬采用结构工资制,包括工资和奖金两部分,工资由基础工资、工龄工资、岗位津贴三块组成。村党支部书记的年工资一般应高于当地年人均收入,奖金根据集体经济收入、岗位目标完成情况和工作实绩,经村民代表会议讨论确定后报乡镇党委批准。村干部每兼一个职位增加一定系数,但总额不得高于村党支部书记。工资采用乡镇统筹办法按月按时发放,对少数经济薄弱村,县(市)区、乡镇党委、政府可从财政上给予一定补贴。对特别优秀的村党支部书记,可根据有关规定,经考核合格 Zhenjiang will gradually implement the village cadres monthly salary system. In the recent stage, the monthly salary system must first be implemented in the party branch secretary and the other village cadres should be implemented after the conditions are ripe. On strengthening the ranks of village cadres, Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee recently issued a series of policy measures. The monthly salary system stipulates that the remuneration of village cadres should adopt the structural wage system, which includes two parts: salary and bonus. The salary consists of three basic wages, working-age salary and post allowance. The annual salary of village Party branch secretary should generally be higher than the local average per capita income. Bonuses will be reported to the township party committee for approval according to the collective economic income, post goal completion status and performance of the work. The number of cadres in each village should be increased by a certain factor, but the total amount should not be higher than that of the village party branch secretary. Wages should be paid on a monthly basis on a monthly basis with the aid of township and town planning. Financial subsidies may be given to a few economically disadvantaged villages, counties (cities), township and town party committees and governments. The party secretary of a particularly outstanding village party branch may, in accordance with the relevant provisions, pass the examination
今年5月,温家宝总理主持召开的长三角经济社会发展座谈会指出:要在新的更高的起点上谋划长江三角洲地区的更好更快发展;在上海 In May this year, the Economic and Social
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随着二十一世纪到来,人类进入“信息爆炸时代”。信息的海量增长更加凸现沟通的重要性,一个人通过人际网络、媒体和沟通工具获取及利用信息 With the advent of the 21st ce
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