立足场情闯出特色 情系绿色乘风破浪——宁夏中宁县轿子山林场建设纪实

来源 :宁夏林业通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yq8308yq
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夏日炎炎,骄阳似火。当你沿着卫宁公路西行,公路西边浦草荡漾,碧草青青,放眼南望不远处,郁郁葱葱的绿洲便是宁夏中宁县轿子山林场。进入轿子山林场,就会感到心胸开阔,心旷神怡,神清气爽,仿佛进入了绿色天堂。绿,成了轿子山最纯的背景和最美的华章,到处生意盎然,林草茵茵,俨然不同于城市的喧杂与单调。过了场部沿着主干路南行,两边高大的乔木遮住了炎炎烈日,仰慕远望,使人仿佛置身于一线天的感觉,当你正尽情享受着大自然赋于的清凉舒适时,奔流不息的清水河挡住了去路,十米深的河床像 Hot summer, the sun seems like fire. As you follow the Wei Ning Road westbound, west of the road Pu Pu waves, green grass, look south not far away, the lush oasis is Ningxia Jiaozuo Jianshan forest. Into the Jiao Mountain Forest, you will feel open-minded, relaxed and happy, refreshed, as if into a green paradise. Green, has become the most pure Jieshan Mountain background and the most beautiful Chinese chapter, full of business, grass and grass, as if different from the city’s noise and monotonous. After the field along the main road southbound, tall trees on both sides covered the scorching sun, admire the distance, people feel like being in a ray of day feeling, when you are enjoying the cool nature of comfort, Flowing Qingshui River blocked the way, like a river in the depths of 10 meters
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1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :男 16例 ,女 3例 ;年龄 7月~ 3岁 ,平均 2 .2 9岁 ,≤ 1岁 3例 ,~ 2岁 5例 ,~ 3岁 11例。1.2 临床表现 :呕血 13例 ,呕血量≤ 50 ml 7例 ,~10 0 ml4