Physical and Dielectric Properties of Some Nonionic Surfactants

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenpeng12333
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Fatty acid esters have been prepared by reacting the acid C18 with polyethylene glycols having varying numbers of Oxythylene units (4~88 units) by the direct eSterification reaction method.Surface and interfacial tensions are studied at various experimental conditions, including, concentration, temperature, and chemical constitution of the surfactants. Critical micelle concentrations (CMC), surface excess Г and residual area occupied by each surface active agent molecule A have been calculated using Gibb’s equation. CMC values range from 10 to 55x10-5 mole/L for all studied agents, while the residual area occupied by each molecule varies from 0.6 to 1.5 nm2. Variation of CMC of some of these agents with temperature have been also examined and data obtained are used to calculate the heat of micellization △Hm and the entropy change during micellization △Sm. Values of △Hm varies from 14.63 kJ/mole to 2.717 kJ/mole depending on the chemical constitution of the agent under consideration. The apparent dipole moments μ of three surfactants were measured following the Headstrand’s method. Values of μ are 3.24, 3.14 and 3.02 D for stearates. oleates. and linoleates adducts with polyethylene glycol (1000). Fatty acid esters have been prepared by reacting the acid C18 with polyethylene glycols having varying numbers of Oxythylene units (4 to 88 units) by the direct eSterification reaction method. Surface and interfacial tensions are studied at various experimental conditions, including, concentration, temperature, and chemical constitutions of the surfactants. Critical micelle concentrations (CMC), surface excess Г and residual area occupied by each surface active agent molecule A have been calculated using Gibb’s equation. CMC values ​​range from 10 to 55 × 10-5 mole / L for all studied agents, while the residual area occupied by each molecule varies from 0.6 to 1.5 nm2. Variation of CMC of some of these agents with temperature have been also examined examined and data obtained are used to calculate the heat of micellization △ Hm and the entropy change during micellization △ Sm. Values ​​of ΔHm varies from 14.63 kJ / mole to 2.717 kJ / mole depending on the chemical constitution of the agent under considerat The apparent dipole moments μ of three surfactants were measured by the Headstrand’s method. Values ​​of μ are 3.24, 3.14 and 3.02 D for stearates. oleates. and linoleates adducts with polyethylene glycol (1000).
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