
来源 :中国卫生质量管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allen75
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1985年7月1日《中华人民共和国药品管理法》颁布实施,由于种种原因,近几年违反《药品管理法》的案件不断发生,假药劣药屡禁不止,危害了广大群众的健康和利益,损害了党和政府的形象,影响恶劣。为此,国务院1994年9月29日发出了《关于进一步加强对药品管理工作的紧急通知》,要求各级政府切实加强对药品管理工作的领导,建立领导任期内药品管理状况的目标考核制度。此后,各地都采取了措施积极贯彻,做了大量工作。但是各地贯彻执行情况不容乐观,任务还很繁重,我们在这里发表国家五部局负责同志谈我国整顿医药市场存在问题及对策。希望各部门继续认真贯彻《紧急通知》的精神,整顿市场中各司其职、各负其责,通力协作,联手打假,共同搞好药品管理工作。 The “Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” was promulgated and implemented on July 1, 1985. Due to various reasons, cases of violation of the Drug Administration Law have occurred continuously in recent years. Counterfeit drugs are repeatedly banned and endangering the health and interests of the general public. It harms the image of the party and the government and affects the poor. Therefore, on September 29, 1994, the State Council issued the “Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Drugs”, requiring all levels of government to earnestly strengthen the leadership over drug administration and set up the target examination system for the state of drug administration during the term of leadership. Since then, measures have been taken everywhere to actively implement and do a great deal of work. However, the implementation of the situation across the country is not optimistic and the task is still heavy. Here we publish the five departments in charge of comrades in charge of the state regarding the problems and countermeasures in rectifying the pharmaceutical market in our country. We hope that all departments will continue to conscientiously implement the spirit of the “Urgent Notice,” rectify their respective functions in the market, take their respective responsibilities, cooperate with each other, join hands in cracking down on fake goods and work together to improve drug administration.
b Département de Physique, Ecole Polythechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland c Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijin
目的 早期评估新生儿败血症的预后。 方法 对80 例新生儿败血症的20 个变量进行非条件Logistic 单因素及多因素回归分析。 结果 单因素分析时9 个变量:白介素6(IL6)
通过 2 个铀矿田 11 个典型矿床的实际资料(包括各种岩石流体包裹体薄片 250 件,气体分析数据 2470 件,铀含量数据 200 件,测温数据 50 余件),从全新的角度论述了花岗岩型铀
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