
来源 :河南农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gutian163
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前言自从六浦晃和门罗在“欧洲玉米螟及其近缘种的分类与分布”(1970)中指出亚洲东部和澳洲的玉米螟是亚洲玉米螟之后,国内对原定名为欧洲玉米螟的种名引起了争论,一些单位在1975年前后用欧洲玉米螟性诱剂在一些地区进行了多次诱捕试验,均无效果。1979年,我们曾在河南许昌和美国J.A.Klun博士合作,用一种亚洲玉米螟和三种欧洲玉米螟不同配比的性诱剂作了田间诱捕试验,其结果是亚洲玉米螟性诱剂顺12-和12-十四烯醇乙酸酯和醋酸十四(烷)酯34:39:27,11天132盆次共诱到71头蛾,效果良好;欧洲玉米螟性诱剂顺 Introduction Since Roppongi and Monroe pointed out in the “Classification and distribution of European corn borer and its relatives” (1970) that the Asian corn borer (Elymus borer) is the Asian corn borer in eastern Asia and Australia, Species name has caused controversy, some units with the European corn borer sex attractant in some areas conducted several trapping trials before and after 1975, no effect. In 1979, we conducted a field trapping experiment in Xuchang, Henan Province and Dr. JAKlun in the United States, using a sex trapping agent with different ratios of Asian corn borer and three European corn borer. The result was that the Asian corn borer 12 and 12-tetradecenol acetate and tetradecyl acetate 34:39:27, 11 days 132 pots were induced to a total of 71 moths, the effect is good; European corn borer sex attractant Shun
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大突肩瓢虫Synonycha grandis(Thunberg)在广西是甘蔗绵蚜的主要天敌之一,发生量和捕食蚜量较大。但自然情况下它常在蔗蚜发生达相当数量之后才出现;其对农药的抵抗力很弱,
扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmia Fr.Schmidat)属莎草科藨草属,是多年生草本植物,稻田中的恶性杂草。在世界各国及我国均有分布和危害。种稻年限越长,发生越多,轻者减产,重者
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