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辨析题作为一种新的题型在高考政治试题中的使用,对传统的解题思维定势产生了巨大的冲击,在发展学生辩证思维能力方面起了良好的导向作用。掌握以下几种常见的辨析题析题方法,无疑有助于我们冲破旧的思维模式的束缚,提高对辨析题的解题能力。 一、历史分析法 事物是运动变化的,任何事物都有一个历史的发展过程。这就要求我们在运动中把握事物,对事物进行历史的分析。同一个观点,在不同的历史发展阶段,其性质可能就完全不同,同一种现象,在人类历史上也许既具有历史进步性,又具有一定的局限性。总之,我们要对这些观点,现象作历史的分析。 例:我国国有企业的资产权统属国家所有。 As a new type of questions, the use of discrimination questions in the political exam questions of the college entrance examination has a huge impact on the traditional problem-solving thinking and has played a good guiding role in the development of students’ dialectical thinking ability. Grasping the following common methods for analyzing and analyzing the analytical questions will undoubtedly help us to break the shackles of the old thinking model and improve the problem-solving ability of the analytical questions. First, the historical analysis method Things are changes in the movement, everything has a historical development process. This requires us to grasp things in the movement and analyze the history of things. The same point of view, in different stages of historical development, its nature may be completely different. The same phenomenon may have both historical progress and certain limitations in the history of mankind. In short, we must make a historical analysis of these viewpoints and phenomena. Example: The asset rights of China’s state-owned enterprises are owned by the state.
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介绍了在黄河三角洲地区进行轻型井点降水的主要施工技术,对降水效果好坏的原因进行了分析。 The main construction techniques of light well point precipitation in the