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赵锡光,著名爱国将领,新疆军区生产建设兵团第一任副司令员。他早年追随孙中山参加过护法战争、北伐战争。1946年任国民党新疆警备总司令部副总司令兼南疆警备司令部司令和第四十二师师长。1949年国民党反动政府电令新疆警备总司令部东调部队人关参加内战。赵锡光清醒地认识到国民党人心丧定,必败无疑,他坚决反对东调,有力地支持了陶峙岳抵制东调的策略。1949年8月19日,陶峙岳电约赵锡光到焉耆秘密商定:北疆由陶峙岳负责,南疆由赵锡光负责,组织部队和平起义。9月25日,陶、赵率部宣布和平起义。赵锡光及时到部队主持了很多 Zhao Xiguang, famous patriotic generals, Xinjiang Military Region Production and Construction Corps first deputy commander. He followed Sun Yat-sen early in the war on law and the Northern Expedition. In 1946, he served as deputy commander-in-chief of Xinjiang Kuomintang Garrison Command and commander of the Southern Security Guard Command and the forty-second division commander. In 1949, the reactionary Kuomintang government ordered the officers and men of Xinjiang’s general headquarters to adjust their troops to participate in the civil war. Zhao Xiguang soberly realized that the Kuomintang was overwhelmed and defeated. He resolutely opposed the eastward transfer and effectively supported Tao Zhiyue’s strategy of boycotting the eastward transfer. August 19, 1949, Tao Zhi Yue Yue Zhao Xiguang to Yan Qi secretly agreed: the Northern Territory Tao Tao Yue is responsible for the southern border by Zhao Xiguang responsible for organizing the peaceful uprising of troops. On September 25, Tao and Zhao Rao announced the peaceful uprising. Zhao Xiguang presided over a lot of troops in time
基于be和get被动态的语义功能的分析,二者之间的存在意义差异。教师不仅要注重形式之分,而且还要注重功能意义上的区别。 Based on the dynamic semantic analysis of be an
水利企业成本管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,是诸管理中最高水准的管理,其最终目的是最科学的实现对成本的有效控制,以求得水利企业经济的更大发展。 一、成本管理的基本要
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结合不落轮车床实际工况 ,就CA80 13不落轮车床数控改造现有的 2种伺服驱动方案进行分析和探讨 ,对相应的机械传动系统改造要求和方法及主要结构、原理和技术特点进行阐述 ,
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笔者前不久赴台,参观 了台塑、光宝、莱德、 大亿、中钢、统一、全汉、力霸、福华等岛内有一定影响的企业及台湾“工商建研会”、台湾“光电科技工业协进会”及新竹“工业策
This study tries to explore the use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) on Chinese EFL learners in a special setting——the TEFL Centre of Queen’s Univers