China Grapples with Shale Gas as Long Term

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slb135
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Concerns over import dependency force China’s energy firms to search for other fuel sources.For example,China’s crude imports surged to a record in December 2014after a buying spree in Singapore by a state-owned trader and as the government in Beijing accelerated stockpiling amid the collapse in global oil prices.For 2014,the country’s crude imports rose to 310 million tons,also an all-time high.Chinese demand is shoring up the global oil market as the country expands emergency stockpiles amid Concerns over import dependency force China’s energy firms to search for other fuel sources.For example, China’s crude imports surged to a record in December 2014 after a buying spree in Singapore by a state-owned trader and as the government in Beijing accelerated stockpiling amid the collapse in global oil prices. For 2014, the country’s crude imports rose to 310 million tons, also an all-time high. Chinese demand is shoring up the global oil market as the country expands emergency stockpiles amid
甘露醇是甘露糖的还原物,是一种较为理想的利尿剂。应用甘露醇后能引起肾脏什么性质的改变,报道甚少。我们见到3例过量使用甘露醇液的尸检资料,现报告如下: 一、病例介绍 例
患者陈××,男性,22岁,已婚,谷城县社员,光医住院号3832。 因尿道异物八年于1975年6月18日入院。 患者14岁时,某夜阴茎勃起后,自尿道外口插入一段电线塑料包壳,次晨醒来企图
“During the last year,I visited many enterprises to carry out thorough investigations on the development of rubber industry and touched the developmental pulse