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岚光文学社,引领学生步入文学殿堂!简介坐落在明山秀水之中的百年名校湖北荆门龙泉中学,始终以全面培养学生素质为己任,课内打基础,课外求发展。课余,文学爱好者在导师的引领下,或漫步于文明湖畔,触景生情,吟诗作文;或驻足于象山之巅,托物言志,酬答唱和;或云集于春秋时期著名道学家老莱子的隐居处,聆听文学大家的精彩讲演;或相邀于宋代大理学家陆九渊的讲经台,品评各自的得意之作。成立于1998年的岚光文学社,曾获得过“全国优秀校园文学社团”“首届全国中学生文学社拉力赛冠军”“全国作文教学优胜单 Lan Guang Literature Club, to lead the students into the literary palace! Brief introduction Located in the Ming Shan Xiushui centuries elite Longquan Middle School in Hubei Jingmen, has always been to fully develop the quality of students as their responsibility to lay the foundation class, extracurricular and development. After school, under the guidance of tutors, literary amateurs wander through the shores of civilization, touching scenery and poems and writing; or stop at the top of Xiangshan, collect materials, answer and sing; or gather in the seclusion of the famous Taoist Laolai in the Spring and Autumn Period Department, listening to the wonderful lecture of the literature; or invited to the Song dynasty scholar Lu Jiuyuan Taiwan, tasting their own pride. Founded in 1998, Lan Guang Literature Association, won the ”National Outstanding Campus Literature Society“ ”The First National High School Literary Rally champion"
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