The Application of WT588D Module in MIT System

来源 :Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayguo123
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Compared with traditional magnetic induction tomography (MIT) system, the innovation of this paper is that the function of voice broadcast based on WT588D module is added to the system. The new MIT system avoids frequently looking into the instrument and decreases sartificially reading residual from the hardware debugging to the test process. It makes the process of data acquisition easier and enhances the accuracy and efficiency of detection in the system. It also gives a detailed description to optimize the design of software and hardware. The voice broadcast subsystem has the advantages of simple integral structure, high quality sound, low cost, convenient function expansion, which can be used as a template based on the WT588D modular applied in other related fields. Compared with traditional magnetic induction tomography (MIT) system, the innovation of this paper is that the function of voice broadcast based on WT588D module is added to the system. The new MIT system avoids frequently looking into the instrument and decreases sartificially reading residual from the It makes the process of data acquisition easier and enhances the accuracy and efficiency of detection in the system. It also gives a detailed description to optimize the design of software and hardware. The voice broadcast subsystem has the advantages of simple integral structure, high quality sound, low cost, convenient function expansion, which can be used as a template based on the WT588D modular applied in other related fields.
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正确作出光的反射光路图是同学们应该掌握的基本作图技能,有关光的反射作图常见情况有以下几种: 1.已知入射光线和镜面,要求作出反射光线. 例1 完成图1-1 中光的反射光路图解
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