Evolution of Chinese mammalian faunal regions and elevation of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwhyhvcn
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On the basis of mammal’s high evolutionary rates and sensitivity to environment, this paper deals with the evolutionary history of the Chinese Cenozoic mammals and environ-mental changes, and explores the relationship between the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the evolution of zoogeographic provinces of China, through studying fossil mammal and the lithological characters of fossil-bearing beds. Evolutionary tendency and distribution of the mam-mals demonstrate that the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang region, onset of the Asian monsoon and differentiation of the mammalian distribution probably initiated in Oligocene. The elevation of the Plateau seems to be a gradual and relatively stable process, and the uplift not only has resulted in significant environmental changes in Asia, but also caused distinct regional differentiation of mammals in China since the middle Miocene, and as a consequence the modern zoogeographic provinces gradually took shape.
提出老龄体育产业这一概念 ,旨在从深化体育改革和较好地解决人口老龄化带来的社会问题的角度出发 ,认识老龄体育产业市场的重要意义和指导思想 ,为开发培育和发展这一市场 ,
患者男性,62岁.因进食后突发上腹疼痛伴头昏、乏力10 h急诊入院.查体:血压90/50 mmHg,脉搏110次/min,神志清楚,痛苦病容,贫血貌.腹稍膨隆,全腹压痛、反跳痛,以上腹为显著,肌紧张不明显,未触及包块,肝脾区无叩击痛,肝浊音界无缩小,移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音消失.发病前无腹部外伤史.行腹部B超检查提示平卧位腹腔内3~7 cm液性暗区;腹部CT检查提示腹腔内积液(血),肝、脾、胰、肾正
一、纪录进展 男子100米跑的发展,自1896年美国运动员布克在第1届奥运会上创造的第一个100米成绩12秒,至今已有100多年历史。世界男子100米跑成绩逐年提高,世界纪录不断被打破(见表)。 从表中可以看出
Based on two-phase flow theory and shallow water flow assumption,a mathematical model is applied to simulate debris flow.The model considers a two-phase mixture