应抗战而生 为抗战而演——忆抗日战争时期的七月剧团

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初搭台子初唱戏西安事变后,促成了国共合作,中央红军总部进驻陕西省泾阳县云阳镇。云阳镇位于国、共交界处,镇上既有国民党的县、镇政权机构,也有共产党的政权机构,属于我党的统战区。卢沟桥事变爆发后,全国进入全面抗战时期,红军改编为八路军,开赴抗日战争前线。云阳镇的驻军开赴前线后,在当地组建起一一五师留守处实际上是陕西省委机关。留守处处长杨清同志(欧阳饮)即是陕西地下省委书记,副官主任张德生即省委组织部长,民运主任赵伯平即省委群众工作部长,联络主任汪锋即省委统战部长。1938年6月,留守处根据上级指示,在纪念抗战一周年时,要进行一次广泛深入地宣传活动,宣传党的统一战线,发动全国军民坚持抗战,反对投降,坚持团结,反对分裂,坚持进步,反对倒退。把抗日战争进行到底。在这场宣传活动中,除了组织干部、战士、学生到街头讲演、刷写标语外,还打算组织文艺演出,进行宣传。为此留守处所属的列宁室(一种具有俱乐部性质的机构,后改称救亡室)负贵人苏一平曾专程赴安吴青训班,请该班文艺连来云阳演出。 The first episode of Taiwan’s first singer after the Xi’an Incident, contributed to the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC Central Committee headquarters stationed in Yunyang town of Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province. Yunyang town is located in the country, at the junction, the town has the KMT’s county and town government agencies, but also the Communist regime, belonging to our party’s united front area. After the Lugouqiao Incident broke out, the whole country entered a period of full-scale resistance war and the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army and marched to the front of the Anti-Japanese War. After the garrison troops of Yunyang went to the front, the left-behind detachment of 115 divisions was set up locally by the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee. Resident Director Comrade Yang Qing (Ouyang Yin) is Shaanxi Provincial underground party secretary Zhang Desheng, deputy director of the provincial party committee and organization minister, chairman of the democratic movement Zhao Boping is the provincial public works minister, contact director Wang Feng, the provincial United Front Minister. In June 1938, according to instructions from higher authorities, the left-behind office required an extensive and intensive campaign to publicize the party’s united front in commemoration of the first anniversary of the war of resistance, launched the national military-civilian adherence to the war of resistance against surrender, the opposition to surrender, the persistence in unity, the opposition to division and the improvement in progress , Against backwards. The anti-Japanese war in the end. In this campaign, apart from organizing cadres, fighters and students to give lectures in the streets and brush banners, they also plan to organize theatrical performances and advertisements. To this end stay Lenin belonging to the Department of Room (a club-like institutions, later renamed the rescue units) negative person Su Yiping has made a special trip to An Wu Qing class, please class arts Liangyun show.
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