Portal hypertension: Imaging of portosystemic collateral pathways and associated image-guided therap

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bilyy95
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Portal hypertension is a common clinical syndrome, defined by a pathologic increase in the portal venous pressure. Increased resistance to portal blood flow, the primary factor in the pathophysiology of portal hypertension, is in part due to morphological changes occurring in chronic liver diseases. This results in rerouting of blood flow away from the liver through collateral pathways to low-pressure systemic veins. Through a variety of computed tomographic, sonographic, magnetic resonance imaging and angiographic examples, this article discusses the appearances and prevalence of both common and less common portosystemic collateral channels in the thorax and abdomen. A brief overview of established interventional radiologic techniques for treatment of portal hypertension will also be provided. Awareness of the various imaging manifestations of portal hypertension can be helpful for assessing overall prognosis and planning proper management. Portal hypertension is a common clinical syndrome, defined by a pathologic increase in the portal venous pressure. results in rerouting of blood flow away from the liver through collateral pathways to low-pressure systemic veins. Through a variety of computed tomographic, sonographic, magnetic resonance imaging and angiographic examples, this article discusses the appearances and prevalence of both common and less common portosystemic A brief overview of established imaging radiographs for the treatment of portal hypertension will also be provided. Awareness of the various imaging manifestations of portal hypertension can be helpful for assessing overall prognosis and planning proper management.
王金璐艺术生涯 70年暨 80寿辰纪念演出侧记李 锋 (一、3)在第一届中国京剧优秀青年演员研究生班毕业典礼上的讲话丁关根 (二、3)在“青研班”毕业典礼上的讲话孙家正 (二、
编辑学研究 ,一般说来 ,包括编辑学的理论研究与应用研究两个方面。多年以来 ,学界普遍感到 ,虽然在应用研究方面也存在这样那样的问题 ,但更显薄弱、更影响编辑学研究深化的
1999年11月 27-29日,第三届国家辞书奖颁奖大会暨中国辞书学会第四届年会在江苏南京召开。参加大会的有来自全国各地的近120名代表。大会收到学术论文45篇(目录附后)。这次会议由江苏教育出版社