
来源 :水利水电工程造价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaodhsnd
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水电工程施工机械台时费定额是计算工程单价的基础,也是合理确定建设项目投资的重要依据,它与工程定额指标结合后在工程单价中表现为施工机械使用费,并在水电建设项目投资中占有一定的比重。因此,水电工程施工机械台时费定额关系着水电建设工程项目投资计算的合理性与准确性。新版《台时费定额》更多地吸纳和体现了适应水电工程施工中新技术、新工艺和新方法所需的施工机械设备,并在子目中增列了设备规格型号、预算价和寿命台时等指标,开放了有关费用的计算,使用者可根据设备的具体情况对指标作必要的调整。 It is also an important basis for reasonably determining the investment in construction projects. Combined with the quota of engineering quota, it appears in the project unit price as the fee for use of construction machinery. In the investment of hydropower construction project, Possession of a certain proportion. Therefore, the hydropower construction machinery station fee fixed relationship between hydropower construction project investment calculation rationality and accuracy. The new version of “Taiwan time quota” more absorb and reflect the construction of hydropower projects to adapt to new technologies, new processes and new methods of construction machinery and equipment, and added in the subheading equipment specifications, budget price and life expectancy Taiwan and other indicators, open the calculation of the costs, users can make the necessary adjustments to the indicators according to the specific circumstances of the equipment.
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